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"Hyung." Baekhyun suddenly called, taking his brother's attention. "Go to a convenience store. Buy this idiot cup noodles."


"I know they don't keep those things in their house. He might get hungry." Baekhyun said as he point at the taller whose been resting his head over the petite male's shoulder.

Baekbom just shrugged and and took a turn going to the nearest 7/Eleven. The older went out and left the two inside the car. Baekhyun sighed and looked out of the window.

"Why did you go there?" He started. He was talking to a sleeping drunk man who is not going to answer any of his questions. "You should be thankful that I went out at nine in the evening just to pick you up like I'm your sibling or boyfriend." He rolled his eyes and took a glance to the taller's red face. "I'm too kind for you. Tss." He hissed.

Chanyeol groaned and shifted to find a comfortable position while resting his head on the shorter's shoulder. Baekhyun froze and tried to not wake the taller.

He sighed, looking at the taller's face, fixing the stray hair that might sting Chanyeol's eyes. "I can't believe that I'm doing this instead of continuing to hate you after you humiliated me." Like as if he was awake, Chanyeol unconciously held Baekhyun's hand.

Chanyeol straighten himself with half-lidded eyes and looked straight at Baekhyun. "What have... I done?" The taller mumbled as he slowly rest his head on the crook of Baekhyun's neck. "I'm sorry..."

Baekhyun was not sure what to do or why did he let the taller in that position. "I can hear your heart... why is it beating so fast..?" Chanyeol chuckled and held the shorter's hand tightly. "You like me rightttt?" The taller chuckled in a deep sleepy voice as he look at the frozen Baekhyun and pointed at him before slumping back.

"Just sleep." The shorter said and held the taller's ears that made Chanyeol's face distort to discomfort but then he grinned, "Baekhyun likes me~" He sang and tried to find a comfortable position. "I'm.. so... happy.." He muttered before drifting back to sleep.

Their position was comfortable for Chanyeol but was already giving Baekhyun a back pain. "Hyunggg, you can be a little faster~" Baekhyun sang through gritted teeth. He looks like he's walking on the fugging moon.

"Do you want anything?" Baekbom asked as soon as he opened the car door. "Nothing but to bring this fugger home." The younger said. The older never replied and just noticed the way Baekhyun was twisted into a back breaking position just to give Chanyeol comfort.

As soon as they arrived the street where Chanyeol lives, they saw a figure of a woman standing right before the gates of the house. "Ah- it's noona. Ha, Chanyeol. You're a dead meat." Baekhyun said. Chanyeol just groaned.

They stopped in front of Yoora and Baekbom immediately got out of the car. Baekhyun watched them talk, he saw the older gesture to the car and shrugs. Worry was painted across the woman's face.

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