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"So.. you made an excuse that you're going to study?" Baekhyun whispered in disbelief. They are already inside the smaller's space inside the house. The taller sat on his bed while Baekhyun dump his small bag pack on the study table. "Yeah."

"Well, that's a nice excuse. Studying until dark. Dude, it's like nine in the fracking morning."

"Well.." The taller started, smacking his lips after. "It's not my fault that it's snowing hard outside. Do you want me to get buried in the snow outside?"

"How in the world you will get buried in the snow? You're over six feet. If someone buried you vertically, your head will be just right at the surface." The shorter said, gesturing his left hand as the ground and his index finger as Chanyeol's head as he back his back on the rest of his chair. 

Chanyeol finally just let his body fall onto the soft mattress of Baekhyun's bed, pulling the pillow to support his head. "I don't want to go home. It's still early. Noona is not even there. I'm going to be alone. Do you know how boring that can be..?" The taller replied and laid on his side to face Baekhyun.

The shorter finally understood why and stopped nagging. I do enjoy being alone. Baekhyun mentally comments in his head. "You really look comfortable wearing only boxers and a huge shirt in your house even if it's winter, aren't you cold?" The taller teased making Baekhyun throw a piercing glare at him. "Maybe you're doing something to heat up your body so you don't feel cold." Chanyeol continued.

Baekhyun took a book and acted like he's going to hit the taller with it. "It's really uncomfortable to wear those pants. What I mean is, this is my house, I should feel comfortable." The shorter replied with the tone of suppressing his urge before throwing the book on the table. "And there are things called heaters, brother." 

"You have the points." Chanyeol replied and shifted his position and laid on his back. "But you didn't wore only boxers the first time I came here." 

"I should look presentable. It's your first time and you were not even my friend back then. Non of the both of you, actually."

Chanyeol just shrugged.

"Baekhyun?" Their ears suddenly perked up as soon as their heard a voice of a woman. Chanyeol pointed at the door. "Yes, mom?" The shorter answered before throwing the taller a book. "Can you please open the door?"

"Pretend that you're studying!" Baekhyun whispered at his friend before running towards the door to open it. "Hi mom." The smaller smiled, slowly creeping his hand up to give his mother an awkward wave.

Mrs. Byun looked at her son from head to toe with an unnerving gaze. "Where are your pants?" She asked and took a glance at the taller sitting on her son's bed. The taller was wearing the uniform but the first three buttons were unbuttoned, even add the taller's bird nest-looking hair. "Tell me, you're not doing anything right?" She said, glaring at her son.

Baekhyun quickly flushed into a deep shade of red, as if steam would come out of his ears. "WHAT-"

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