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{featuring. Im Yoona, Oh Sehun, Luhan and minor appearances by Jessica Jung & Byun Baekhyun}


Junior Year. Major in Theatre & Minor in Dance.

She always live her life secluded, she didn't like socializing. Her only two friends were Jessica and Baekhyun. She was perceived to be cold and arrogant judging from how she portrayed herself to be on the exterior but deep down she's just a fragile and soft-hearted one with rich emotions. Once you get to know her, she is really laid back and one of the most trustworthy friends you could ever have.

"Is it worth to let someone I just met knock down these walls that I took years to build around my heart?"


Junior Year. Major in Dance, Minor in Performance Production.

The younger of the twins, like Yoona, he portrays himself to be cold and unapproachable but that's all just a cover-up. Much about him is unknown due to his aloof and mysterious personality. He is really intelligent just like his older brother, but somehow their personalities are like the sun and the moon, different but yet complementing each other.

"Why do I feel this way? This feeling, I don't remember experiencing this before in my life."


Junior Year. Major in Theatre , Minor in Musical Performance

The older of the twins, like Yoona, he is a laid back guy and is able to talk to almost anyone whom he just met. People around him feels at ease due to his easygoing personality, hence that makes him the more popular and sociable one of the twins. He is really smart like his younger brother that's why the both of them applied for a scholarship to this current high school.

"Every time I look into her eyes, there seems to be something hidden beneath those orbs."

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