Chapter 2

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"Alright class, before I dismiss you for your lunch break, I need to inform the new students that if you need help getting around the school feel free to approach any of your classmates. I'm sure they will be more than delighted to help you." Mrs Lee announced. Instantaneously the girls' chatter began and the rest of the boys were indifferent about it. "Okay, that's all, you're dismissed!" With that, everyone greeted Mrs Lee before gathering in their own cliques.

Luhan glanced at his brother and whispered to him "Who should we ask? We have yet to find the students' office to submit our forms and collect our new student IDs yet." Sehun looked around the class, most of the students have already left class for lunch except for the previous group of girls who seemed to be waiting for their chance to "help" the twins. Yoona who was unaware of the surroundings, was quietly preparing the publicity items for the upcoming Arts Showcase.

Sehun looked at Luhan seriously, "There's no way we are going to ask that bunch of girls. Just look at the way they are staring at us, it's as if we were their prey and they are waiting for the right moment to pounce on us." Luhan was at his wit's end until his sight fell upon Yoona. "Seems like she's the only sane girl here, let's just ask her!" Grabbing their bags, they cautiously approached Yoona who was still seated at her desk.


Yoona was counting in her head as she counted the flyers until a guy's voice interrupted her. "Hi! We were wondering if you could show us the way to the student's department office? We are still a bit lost since it's our first day," Luhan asked with hopeful eyes. Luhan was really praying so hard that Yoona would agree to help them.

Slightly irritated with the sudden distraction, Yoona looked up to find the twins looking at her with a tinge of desperation on their faces. It didn't take long before she sized up the situation that the boys were in. "Alright," was all that she said as she gave the twins a look before gesturing them to wait outside the classroom for her. "Just give me a moment to pack up," she added on. The boys looked at each other with a sigh of relief before following her cue. They scurried out of the classroom as they noticed the uncomfortable stares and some of those girls cursing under their breath.

Gathering her books and flyers in her satchel, Yoona got up from her seat to exit the room and she realised that the group of girls who were supposedly waiting for Luhan and Sehun were now shooting her death glares. Instead, she simply shrugged them off, not letting any of that falter her stride.

Luhan and Sehun both were relieved that Yoona agreed to help them, as it was the only way to prevent themselves ending up as "prey" to that group of girls. "Let's go, " Yoona's voice broke their thoughts as they turned to see Yoona exiting the classroom and nodded at them to follow her lead. The walk to the students' main office was exceptionally silent, as Yoona did not say a single word at all.

"So it's your second year here right? Are you also a scholar?" Luhan took the initiative to break the air of awkward silence.

"Yeah. I am," Yoona replied without even looking at their direction and continued to lead the way to the office.

"Oh em, so what is your Major?" Luhan tried to strike a conversation yet again and Sehun elbowed him sensing the awkward atmosphere among them.

Yoona suddenly halt her footsteps in front of a glass door and turned to face the twins, "Here is the student department office, if there is nothing else then I will leave first." She immediately turned to the direction of the cafeteria and walked away.Luhan and Sehun stood there watching agape as Yoona's figure disappear into the crowd.

Sehun then nudged his brother, "I don't get why is she so cold to us. Her reaction was so different from the rest of the girls. Come to think of it.. she seems kind of stuck-up or maybe she just doesn't like boys?" Sehun continued his assumptions with a gasp as they entered the office.

"Probably she's just like this to people whom she just met? She seems nice actually, don't be too quick to judge her," Luhan was amused by Sehun's inferences and gently smacked his younger brother's arm.

"Hi , We are here to collect our student IDs and enrollment packages. Our names are Oh Luhan and Oh Sehun," Luhan said as the receptionist stood up to attend to them.

"Woah, why are you defending her? Besides I was just stating as a matter of fact. Hyung, don't tell me you're attracted to her?" Sehun whispered while eyeing his older brother suspiciously. The receptionist went to the other room to take the brothers' IDs and packages.

"What are you talking about? You brat, we are here to study, we don't have time for matters of the heart!" As soon as the receptionist was out of sight, Luhan looked at Sehun and playfully strangled him.

"Okay okay stop it! Whatever you say, hyung," Sehun attempts to stop the scuffle as the two laughed heartily before one of the administration office workers glared and shushed them. The brothers left the office for the cafeteria once they had gotten their enrollment packages.

"So guys, how was your first class?" Baekhyun enthusiastically asked after joining the girls for lunch at the bench. Yoona took a huge bite of her sandwich and remarked, "Wafdyou tfhink, iths Misres Lfee, afh ushrual, boahring..."

Jessica who was sipping her juice stopped and immediately exclaimed, "Im Yoona! How many times do I have to tell you to never talk when your mouth is full? I can see what's in that sandwich already. " Yoona rolled her eyes and then turns to face Jessica suddenly opening her mouth. As close as Yoona and Jessica were, Yoona knew her childish antics were an annoyance to Jessica (and Yoona liked teasing her favourite unnie because her reactions are priceless). Jessica then shrieked in her typical dolphin scream attracting the attention of the other students in the cafeteria.

"You two, stop it! The whole cafeteria is looking at us!" Baekhyun who was embarrassed by the scene, reprimanded them. "Well, maybe because SHE is looking your way now so might as well go and say hi," Jessica nudged him. Baekhyun instantly turned red as a tomato when he caught Taeyeon looking his way.

"Hey, you should look at yourself, I have never seen your face so red ever since that time when me and Jess found your naked baby pictures at your place!" Yoona broke out in her alligator laughter that resounded in the cafeteria. Yoona's words earned herself a death glare from Baekhyun as he mouthed the words 'you will get it later' before leaving for Taeyeon's bench.

"Oh my gosh YOONG! Please control your laughter, do you even remember how I taught you to be more feminine?" Once again, Jessica goes on rattling about how Yoona should behave more like a girl, while Yoona continues to finish her sandwich.

Across the cafeteria, Yoona spotted a pair of eyes stealing glances at her as she thought to herself. She pretended to look away but from the peripherals of her sight, she could sense his gaze on her. Oh it's one of them again, I don't understand why are the girls so crazy over them yeah they are kinda good looking and all but whatever maybe I might have been too cold to them.

Author's Note: Sorry for the late update! Finally done with school, so /hopefully/ I can update more before my intern starts. Hehehe and a shoutout to fika<3 and thanks to everyone who sub/comment/upvote! Really appreciate it :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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