Chapter 1

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It was the start of the new school year for Yoona and just like any year, she didn't have much expectations other than having the goal to do well in the finals so she could have a chance to get a further scholarship to pursue a degree in performing arts.

"Hey Yoong! You're just on time before the bell rings, I heard there's two new students who just transferred as they were awarded with scholarship here." Yoona closed her locker and turned her attention to the voice among the crowd of people that she recognized to be none other than Jessica. Yoona's lip curved into a small smile as she felt happy to see her after the long break.

"And guess what? They're in the same form class as you! You're so lucky. I heard that they are really talented and all." She added on excitedly after checking the class list at the board. Yoona just giggled at her reaction as she remained nonchalant about the news despite she was a teeny curious about them since the new students were also awarded the scholarship just like her although later.

"Hey guys! How was your holiday?" The duo turned to the direction as Baekhyun sauntered by the lockers with a wide smile on his face. "Apparently someone's in a good mood despite it being the start of school year..." Jessica scoffed smirking at Baekhyun.

"So let me guess, you finally asked Taeyeon out?" Yoona quipped as she playfully exchanged knowing looks with Jessica. Baekhyun blushed at the mention of that but he shrugged it off as he excitedly shared with them a holiday's worth of anecdotes and of course not leaving out, the stupid pranks he pulled on anyone and everyone. The trio had a meaningful catchup about what each of them had done during the long break. Nonetheless, their bond that they share was still as strong even though they could not spend much time together now unlike during their childhood days. Since Yoona was in a different form class as Jessica and Baekhyun's, she bid them goodbye before leaving for her form room. As Yoona was walking into the classroom she saw all of the girls huddled together in excited chatter. Minding her own business as always, she settled down in her seat as she waited for the teacher's instructions.

"Good Morning class, I'm sure most of you would have known by now that there will be two new transferrees in our class so please welcome them!" Mrs Lee announced as she gesture for the two lads to step in. The moment the two guys walked in, almost all of the girls were swooning over by the boys' good looks and their seemingly similar appearance. Yoona who was quietly checking her scheduler finally directed her attention to the front of the class.

"Hi everyone, my name is Luhan and I am the older twin," the shorter one with chestnut brown hair introduced with a smile as the they both bowed and greeted the class. "And I am Sehun," the taller one said with a aloof face.

Yoona laughed to herself in her head as she looked at all the girls' reactions and thought to herself, "What's new, so typical of them getting excited just by new male students, are they here to study or just oogle at guys?"

"Okay class settle down. Luhan and Sehun, please take a seat." Mrs Lee gestured at two empty seats adjacent to Yoona. Yoona didn't really bother to look at them again after that as she was totally engrossed listening to Mrs Lee's briefing for the upcoming Arts Showcase. The rest of the girls were apparently not paying any attention to the briefing as they could not keep their eyes off the two new students.

One of the girls tried to flirt with Sehun trying to discreetly send him a wink. Luhan who saw it glanced at his younger brother with an amused look as Sehun just rolled his eyes. The twins were used to the attention they attracted so it wasn't anything new to them. Luhan glanced around the class, it was a pretty good mix of gender ratio he thought to himself, although it felt like there were more girls due to the big and overwhelming reactions they had.

Luhan's eyes fell upon a certain girl, the only one among the rest who didn't seem to be affected by their presence. Yoona was seated just next to him and from the moment the twins were introduced, she didn't even bother giving them another look other than the time when it was their introduction. 

Luhan observed her as she listened intently to the boring breifing Mrs Lee had that he felt that any normal person would have fallen asleep just by listening to her monotonous voice. He thought for a moment that he sensed a strong aura emtting just from staring at her doe-like eyes. For a moment, he thought that maybe she was different from the rest. 

Author's Note: I know this took so long for me to post because I'm so busy with my school, so here's a really short and quick chapter/start/teaser whatever you call it. This is dedicated to Fika<3

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