"Oï Inori! Be careful where you set those! They are damn near expensive!"
Kira heard Kyo-sempai holler at his student who sat things down recklessly, without any care at all. Two months had passed since he and Hikari were deemed as partner's and the two began an easy friendship, the only thing that made it complicated was the fact he was helping set up for the nominees for the tournament, which was only a few weeks away. Since then, the tournament rules stated that each out of the five schools had to have four student participants, and each one had to have at least a few years of studying the art of the sword.
Because of this, Kira never really did some of us his school work, only those he mostly knew. English, History, Health, and Psychical Ed, Math however, he was completely failing. He was already at a 'D' minus and his Math Teacher, Valerie-sempai would always lecture him to do his work to become a child of prodigy, her successor in mathematic's. She even said that math also helped with combat and would be a great asset to him. Normally, Kira would think she was kidding, but Lena-sempai had even said it helps to know and calculate the number of consecutive attacks' the opponent has.
...Hah..? I guess I have to do my math homework instead of fooling around.
He thought while he placed the table cloth over the table. The soft fabric felt smooth but displayed many wrinkles, they would have to be smoothened out before the celebration tomorrow night. Of course, he and Hikari too would have to attend due to they were also participants for the tournament. The Tournament of The Seven Sun's was a large event, it happened at the end of the month, May 31st. Unlike the Empire Swordsmanship Tournament that happened every four year's, since the senior's who were at the academy since day one were called first year's or Valet's, the second year's were called elite-swordsmen apprentices, the third year's were called Knight Apprentices, while the fourth year's were called Kenshi.
In order to become Kenshi, you would have to go through four year's of physical, mental, emotion, and spiritual training. Since the training was difficult for some of those who didn't have the Will to go through all of this, they were the ones to leave the academy to obtain a different job. However, if you survived for four year's, there was a greater chance of becoming a warrior in the king's army and you would meet the king. Star-fall Academy was next to the Kiyomizu domain, he or she that made it to graduation would be hand picked to sit and din with the Royal family.
However, Kira didn't want to sit and chat with the king of Lé Meer, his goal was the one he had dreamed of since he was a child. Become a Swordsman. It was quite a simple goal, but it drove him beyond many things. What he did after however was still a mystery to him. Kira didn't know what he wanted to do after he gained the title of Swordsman, he would try to have a life of peace and quiet. But if the kingdom was engaged in the heat of war, he would have to join the fray and protect the kingdom with his life.
"...Why do I must protect..."
His words were cut off by the sound of greaves clicking against the marble floor, making Kira lift his head up to find out who the footsteps belong to. To his surprise, it was his senior; Lena-sempai, she walked towards him while she glanced around at the work he and the other students have done over the past four hour's. The girls did the decorating and would advise the boy's who placed the chair's, tables, silverware and chairs where the place them, and if nothing was in the correct spot, the girls would make them replace them. Twenty-five minutes earlier, a girl named Yuri told Takashi and Rin where to place a giant ice sculpture, but the two weren't listening to her and ended up placing it on the back table, where the food would be placed. The two had to hear her yell at them, making them shrink underneath the red heads wrath.
While Lena looked around, Kira placed the finally table cloth down on the table and smoothed it out as quickly as he could before his senior could have a chance to embrass him. Normally he wouldn't mind, but in front of all of his peer's, he knew it wasn't a risk worth taking. After he smoothed down the table cloth, Kira then rushed towards his senior, hoping she didn't see a thing while she glanced around. He could tell Lena was moving slowly by the way her footsteps lacked in pressure, making him wonder if she knew he was coming towards her. Once he got close enough to hear her speak, he opened his mouth to greet her in calm voice.

Black & White
FantasyKira, a fourteen year old boy lives his life day by day at Star-fall Academy by a code: Honor, Trust, and Honesty. But what happen's when that code is broken by a secret that could put him or those around him in greater peril? Anime inspired