Chapter 20

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Lexie POV

I can't worry about that heartless bet right now. I need to focus on Ioana. I found her passed out on the street corner. I'm surprised no one found her before me.

I Instantly called the ambulance the seccond I found her. She must be scared out of her mind. How could someone be that terrible to a girl like Ioana?

I know it would be impossible for anyone to make me do what  Niall did to anyone, especially because she's not only my friend, but my catharsis. I couldn't bear hurting her.

So I got to ride in the ambulance with her along the way, but once we got to the hospital, they  made me sit in the waiting room. 

I whipped out my phone knowing it was a bright idea to call The Fab 10 right now.

My finger hovered over Emily's contact for a moment, my mind being in an endless trance.

Will she be okay?

What if she's really hurt?

Now one was there to catch her, what if she is in a fatal cuncussion?

Is this my fault?

We've got those mystery people after us, does this have anything to do with them?

The thoughts continuasly tubled throughout my head. Quite frankily, it  was giving me a headache, so I clicked call on Emily's contact.

"London Hospital, now."

"What- What happened?" I heard scrabbling on the other end of the line, and a croaking voice in the background.

" Ioana... I-I found her passed out on the floor, the main street off of central, yeah so I called for an ambulance, and now here I am.  I haven't heard anything sence." There was silence ont he other line, before Emily broke it.

"We'll be right there," Emily gulped before the line went dead.

It was about twenty minutes until eveyone arrived. Kenzie, Niall, Louis, Emily, Liam, Harry, and Zayn.

Harry, Niall, and Kenzie's eyes were bloodshot, and Liam and Emily were on the verge of tears, although Emily looks like she's already done so. Zayn looked like he was filled with the utmost amount of remorse. Everyones apprerance compared to Kaitlin's, was a juxtaposition.

Kaitlin's hair and makeup was still intact, her hip cocked, trailing behind everyone with a trampy attitude. Her eyes were glued to her phone when we randevous.

Kenzie POV

I can't do this.

I can't. 

I dont know if they are mad at me or not. I can't tell.

I feel like Niall is out to get me, and Ioana hates me mecilessly. 

This was supposed to be a fun weekend.


Now, someone is hospitalized, no one will talk to anyone, and there is a hell of a lot of tension in the air.

I need to punch something. I need to defenestrate. I'm so angry, and sad, and- urgh I'm just so many different emotions at once I can't think straight!

And it's not helping that Kaitlin has been a bitch ever since we left the flat. she has been glued to her phone aestheticly, seens we got inthe car. What kind of friend is she!?

"Family and Friends of Ms. Grace? Ioana is now awake and accepting visitors." Oh great.



This is kinda shorttttt. I had about a half out to write this in study hall. I hope you likeeeee itttttt.



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