Act I Scene 4

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Scene 4 

The dining room, later. A teapot, milk, sugar, and 

two cups are on the table, along with a wireless 



Offstage Mom! Where's the phone! Mom? 



Offstage, quieter She's asleep! 


Also quieter It's like 9 o'clock. 


She had some wine with dinner. 


Half a glass. 


It's her medication. She's not supposed to drink 



Is that dangerous? 


I don't think so. What were you looking for? 


The phone. 


I think I left it in the dining room. 



Julian wheels into the dining room. He finds the 

phone, then picks it up. He dials, then puts the 

phone up to his ear with both hands, leaving them 

there to support it. It rings. And rings. The 

voicemail comes on. 


Hey! This is my voicemail. I/ 

He hangs up, then dials again. It rings. Voicemail 

again. He listens through this time. 

APRIL (cont'd) 

Hey! This is my voicemail. I usually carry around my 

phone, so this is probably off or I forgot it. Beat. 

I'll get back to you! Leave a message. Beeps. 


Hey. It's Julian. I was wondering...If you'd like to go 

see a movie tomorrow. I've heard that The Dark Knight 

is good. I haven't seen Batman Begins, but I don't 

think that you have to see it beforehand. I mean, it's 

Batman. I think pretty much everyone knows what Batman 

does. Beat. I found your number on your Facebook if 

that's okay. I mean, you put it down as information for 

your friends, so I assumed it would be okay to call 

you. So...yeah. If you want to see another movie, 

that's cool too. I'm up for pretty much anything. 

Uhh...Call me back. 

He hangs up the phone, puts the phone gently on 

the table, then puts his forehead onto the table. 

A long pause. The phone rings. Julian rushes to 

answer it. 

JULIAN (cont'd) 

Hello? ... It's Julian. ... Yeah, from the hospital. 

... I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie 

tomorrow. Are you free? ... Awesome. I was thinking The 

Dark Knight. ... Yeah? And you're free all day? It's 

playing at 4 at the AMC. Is that okay? ... Cool. I 

will, see you there. Oh, wait! ... You don't need to 

listen to that message I sent you. It's pretty much the 

same thing. ... Bye.

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