Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Christian Valcore. I am now over 900 years old and oh I'm a demon. Ok I bet you are wanting to know what type of demon. Well there is over thousands of demon types but I am what is called a demon lord. Demon lords are demons who have powers over other demons but were supposed to be exstinct a century ago. So how is it I'm alive unlike the rest of the lords. Well That is Simple I was taken in by an angel. Yes thats right I am a demon who was raised by angels. I was sealed in the heavens until 100 years ago when satan almost won the earth. So for the past 100 years I have spent my life to destroying my own kind. They send me to earth to keep the gates of hell closed. Our story picks up Here.

I walk down the bright hall as angels ran around. Heaven is a very busy place because of all the new people. I worked along side the guardian angels as they protected humans. Because angels were bearly enough to protect a human's life. I am there to take out the demons who show up out of hell.

I walk up to the desk made out of a cloud. I hated the fact that none of the angels trusted me. They would give me harsh looks as if I am walking evil. I know yes I am a demon but I was raised by them. I looked about the area when I saw the portal mirror. Here the only way to get to earth was by going through a reflective surface. It was the only way to return as well. I looked at myself with my jet black hair that flowed down my shoulders. My duster was a black color that matched my hair. Under the duster were basic muscle shirt and jeans. Unlike the angels I did not need the armor that they did. With the ability to control most demons that made this easy for me. The only thing I had noticed that each time I killed a demon. My control powers would grow more and more. Unfortunatly that growth was so small it took over 10,000 demons for me to notice. My weapon was a katana that was given to me by god himself.

If your wondering if I met god the answer is no. No one has met him we have felt his essence.

I took the folder off the counter and looked at my next target. My target was a fire demon who was setting fire in New York City, New York. He has killed at least 15 angels so that made him a priority. A demon who can kill an angel is dangerous. Most demons can't stand up to an angel but those who can are risks of becoming a prince. A demon prince is a demon granted powers by satan himself. So whenever one makes it to earth it means that I must take that one out fast. I looked at his latest target areas. I nodded at the angel behind the desk before taking a running start at the mirror.

The only bad thing about working here you have no idea where they will send you.

If you have ever been a rollercoaster then you will still have no idea how this feels. The mirror ride wasn't for everyone and for most newbies at least two die. But the Pressure is like being put between a car smasher and your the car.

I flew up out of a mirror that was dropped into a lake. I felt the instant chill of the water as I swam towards the surface. I pulled up to the bank of the water pulling my self out of the water. My hair was in my eyes as I climbed out. Water poured out of my duster as I stood up. I felt for my sword to feel comfert to see it made it safely. I pull my phone from my pocket to see it was ruined by the water. I growled at the thought of being pranked. They never send you into a place like the middle of a lake. I had a bad feeling that was washed away at the sound of someone cocking a gun. I looked to the side at the sight of a park ranger holding a gun at me.

Great I am already here and having a cop trying to arrest me. This is a normal accurrence for me. I hate the fact they always try to arrest me. I normally just run away before they could arrest me but when there is a high class demon.

I rushed towards the man grabbing his face in my hand. I lifted him up wiping his memory off ever seeing me. I threw him into the lake making him think he fell in.

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