Chapter 2

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So lets skip the boring elevator and the walk around the house cause that's boring. Ah I know where to start.

I stood in the shower as the warm water sprayed against my chest. The water felt like a blessing from god for how cold the lake was. I press my hand against the towel closing my eyes. I was attempting to control the urges that had wound up from the woman. My head was so much clearer now that I was away from that girl. I looked down at my body looking for the tazer mark. Thats when it hit me that the tazer shouldn't have left a mark that big on my gut. The mark was the size of a cattle prod but the tazer was a small hand held. I slowly climb out of the shower being sure to leave the water running. I open the cabinets for a towel to see that there was nothing in them. My head snapped to the trap I had fallen into. I was in a Salcus's trap.

A salcus is a demon who feeds off other demon's powers. They produce a pheramon that drags the demon towards them. After they are in close they eat their life force in order to live. Like a vampire does to a human.

I quickly rush towards the door flinging it open. There on the bed laid the salcus in a very appitizing peices of clothing. My eyes quickly shut as I cleared my mind. I opened them as my eyes glowed letting my power flow over the demon. She quickly stood up as if a zombie walking towards the door. I focus so hard on trying to get her to jump out of the building. Just as she bends down to open the sliding door I get a full view of her. My mind blanked in a moment of pure male lust wanting to take her for a full ride. Just as my mind blanks she is able to break free of my hold and rush at me.

I open my eyes to her body completely naked on me. I took in her scent that drove me wild with lust. I was lost in her body as she leaned down to take her bite when I caught myself. I placed my hand on her breast focusing my powers. I put so much force of my power on her body.

Simply I put so much power into her body that I forced her body to shut down. I made the heart pump so hard that it bursts inside her.

She slump down to the side as her trance broke off. Her body was so beautiful it was almost a shame to have to kill her. I picked up my sword and stabbed it into her chest watching her body turn to ash. I look around the place for my clothes. I walk up to a closet to see it was a walk in closet. I walk over to the mound of men's clothing. I pick up a tight muscle shirt and some blue jeans. I then look around the closet at all the different items. I pick up a watch that said rolex on the inside. I slide the watch onto my wrist then a pair of sun glasses. They were a thin rimmed pair that perfectly hid my eyes. I then grabbed a leather jacket putting it on. I looked at my sword and sighed trying to think of a way to hide it. I pulled my sleeve up and turned my sword into a tattoo on my wrist.

What can I say I like shiny things. I needed to blend in so I took what I could. Not my fault those owners were dead. I even took all the cash I possibly could so that way I could buy a phone. Only bad thing is I don't think they cover heaven in their signal package.

I walked down stairs looking at the many cars that were there. I couldn't help but change the plates on a mustang and get into it. I looked around for the keys but sighed at the site of none. I snapped my fingers making the car roar to life. I drove out of the parking lot looking around for some type of cell phone shop. I came to a store and parked the car climbing out leaving it running.

I mean the woman maybe crazy here but I'm sure its safe to leave my car running its just getting a phone.

I go into the store looking around at all the phone with a bit of confusion. The phones were all touch screens with all weird things on them. I was greeted by a very perky girl who seemed just to happy to be at work. I ended up buying a 400 dollar phone and a plan that was very expensive. I walked out of the store as someone ran into me. I helped the person up saying sorry still lost in my phone. I looked up after the person took off seeing my car was gone as well. I sighed and reached for my wallet to see if I had enough money for a cab. To my luck I had lost my wallet that or the person who ran in to me stole it. I thought just my luck I am in a big city and lost with no money just a cell.

I felt so stupid as I then keyed in the number to my handler. Maybe they would be able to help me out and get me on the right track. I listened to the sound of the answering machine and sighed. I looked around for some type of help when it hit me. I pulled out the peices of the camera looking for any clues. Since I couldn't get a hold of my handler I might as well hunt down this girl. I looked at the bottom of the camera seeing a return address with a grin. I then turn down the street stealing someone's map and found my destination.

Before you think I'm some stalker, I am not looking this girl down for that. I need to erase her memory and delete and pictures she may have gotten.

I came to apartments on the camera. I looked up at the door trying to figure what type of approach. I figured the worried citizen was the best Idea. I go to knock on the door at the surprise to someone opening it. There stood the girl who knocked me out at the park. She tilted her head looking at me confused.

"Uh are you one of my dates or something" the girl asked me.

She isn't freaking out or shocked to see I hunted her down. Why is it this girl seems completely different. Oh well maybe her guardian wiped her mind for me. 

" Uh I found...." before I could finish my sentence I heard a girl scream. I turned to the side looking at a girl who looked just like the one who opened the door. Before I could open my mouth the girl in the front kicked right into my groin. She pushed me down the stairs jumping over me. I saw the girl land right infront of the one who screamed. I push myself up realizing that this girl was in danger. I threw the copy into the street grabbing the girl's hand and ran up into her apartments. 

"Which door is you'ers" I croaked out still in pain from the groin shot. 

I seem to be getting my ass kicked every where I go. To make matters worse I can't use my powers and not show this girl everything. I normally never have this much trouble on a mission. What got me most confused is why is there a demon after this girl. Hasn't anyone noticed how infested this city is and no one has come done clean up. I'm gonna have to request a month here to do so.

"Let go of me you freak" she snapped before yanking her arm away.

I turned to the sight of her fist coming at me. This time I dodged the punch grabbing her wrist. She kneed my groin once close in and then ran into her apartment as i cringed on the floor.

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!? Why is it every girl in this city has to kick my ass. I just saved her life and she kicks me in the balls. This shit is really starting to piss me off but good god do my balls hurt.

I slowly get up holding onto the rail for support. I knocked on the door polietly as pain shot down my legs again. She opened it enough to hand me an ice bag then shut it again. At least she care enough to give me some ice. I knock once more this time hoping to talk to her.

"Please go away I don't want anything, I just want a normal life please." she said through the door without opening it.

"Look I just want to talk and give back your camera" I said softly trying to sound as poliet as possible. My question was answered as she opened the door.

"My name is Christian Valcore, I think we have alot to talk about" I said trying to stand up as much as possible. She only nodded as fear showed in her eyes. Something about those eyes made me always twing with pain.

"Lets talk thing" She responded finally. 

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