The Real REAL Love of Damon Salvatore (A Vampire Diaries Fan Fic)

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"You know I love you, right?" I asked her

"Of course Damon, I love you too." She smiled

"We're under attack! Under attack! All medical and nurses go to the hospital tent B now!" Yelled a General

"Damon I have to go." She said kissing my check and was about to run over to tent B

I grabbed her arm before she got to far and try to pull her back to me.

"No, you can get killed." I said looking at her beautful face.

"We are at war, of course there is a possibility for I or anybody to get killed. And I told you before, I can't die so easily." She smirked

That smirk always held some hidden secret and mystery, that made me love her even more. Letting go of her arm, she puts her hand to my face. Closing my eyes for a second kissing her palm and watch her run over to the tent. Then it seemed as of time slowed down, after hearing the horrific sound, that could stop any heart beat and mine did. Turning around I started to run towards the tent, towards the love of my life. Only to be stopped by my comrades. Trying to break free of there holds was not working, resulting to yell for her.  I was glad she heard me and looked up. Hold my gaze that seemed like years but only a few second. She broke it by looking up and then back at me. Her smokey green eyes glazed with tears and mouth quickly 'I Love You' before the bomb finally hits.

"!" I yelled


I shot up for the coutch and surprisingly I didn't spill one ounce of my drink that was still in my hand. Chuckling a little and drank the rest of it as little saInt Stefan came down stairs brooding as normal. Maybe haven't had a his normal drink of bambi.

"Whats with you little brother?" I questioned

"I should be asking you the same thing." He said

"What are you talking about" I asked getting up to get another drink

"You know what I'm talking about Damon. You were just yelling in your sleep, I know that today..."

"Don't act like you knew her Stefan! Don't even mention her. She is no one of importance anymore." I glared smacking my shoulder with his

"Why! Cause she reminds you of your humanity, cause you loved HER!" Stefan yelled

I ran and threw him into the wall, holding onto neck. Squeezing tightly as my anger rised, and my face showing the vampiric side. Even though I wanted to kill him for even trying to mention Li..her. I couldn't I made a promise to make his life hell and thats what I'm going to continue to do. Letting go of his neck, and leaning on the wall beside him. Calming down and turning back to my playful scarcastic self.

"So where were going, before this little brother bonding time?" I asked smirking

Of course he didn't answer and continue to glare at me. Knowing I already know where.

"Oh let me guess good old Elena?" I said

"I dont' have time for this Damon." He said walking towards the door

Using the vampire speed, I was already infront of him with my hand on the door.

"Wait a second whats the rush hmm?"

"I need to go Damon....Elena was expecting me 15 minutes ago" He sighed

"Then whats two more minutes?"

"Fine if it will make you shut up. Elena told me her cusin is finally coming back to Mystic Falls for awhile or either to stay. Now can I go." He said

"Why of course. We don't want to be late for Elena's cusin arrival." I smirked getting into my car.

"We?...No Damon. Damnit!" Stefan yelled and also getting into his car.

Sitting outside of Elena's house, leaning against my car waiting to Stefan to get here, even though it was a couple of seconds. He glared at me like always getting out of his car.

"You need to stop with the glaring Stefan it will give you wrinkles." I laughed

"Behave Damon, you are not going to use this girl like you done with the others." He stated and ignoring the comment I just made

"Why cause she her cusin?" I question


"Ok ok Mr. Saint. Well listen to them in there they sound like they are having party. Now lets stop wasting time out here and go inside." I suggested.

Stefan sighed and started to walk up the door and knock. Couldn't wait to see Elena's face when she see I'm here. As the door open revealing the kathrine look-a-like. She sighed Stefans name, grabbing his hand as they both smiled at each other. I flintched at the love between them. Love sick puppy ugh! Guessing I'm not the only one who thinks this.

"Oh come on Elena, get him in here and stop with love sick puppy crap huh." Said a familiar voice

A way to familiar voice! Who the hell is that! There is noway! As my eyes start to widden as does Stefans. That same beautiful laugh mixed with Jeremy. Elena starts to pull Stefan in the house and me right behind him, bringing my calm smooth personality back. There is noway that her, I reminded myself.

"Hello Elena?" I smirked

"Damon!" She gasped, "What are you doing here!"

"Well I heard we have a new guest in Mystic Falls. I thought it was my...duty to see who it is and to introduce myself." Smirking again

"Don't worry Elena, he promise to behave." Stefan said trying to confrot her.

"Yeah, like he said. Cross my black my little black heart." I said

"Yeah like i believe that." She huffed walking into the living room with us behind her

I saw her cusin talking to Jeremy....only being able to see the back of her black curly hair.

"Hey he's finally here, and regetabley brought a guest, his brother." Elena told her

Getting up slow and wiping her pants. She finally turned around and smiled. My unbeating heart stopped. There is no possible way. Sneeking a glance at Stefan he had the same look as I did. This girl.....Elena's cusin had the same hair, skin tone, same smokey green eyes, everything of the person name I thought I wouldn't say ever again........

"Lila...." I whispered

Ok ok that the end of chapter one.Whoooo lol please please tell what you think. I need to know if to continue this story of any of my others. so  VOTE COMMENT MESSAGE ADD FAN PLEASE

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