Princess mechanic

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Before I start I want to say thanks for reading I want to try a new ship to see what y'all think
Hope u enjoy

Clarke hangs her head at the end of the day, carefully not putting her hands on her face. They're blackened with soot, stinging from the burns she's picked up fighting fires for the last few hours. The smoking shed had gone up in flames due to one of the delinquent's idiocy, and it had quickly spread to surrounding tents. Thankfully they managed to limit the damage, but it was still a terrible incident. Clarke wants nothing more than to go back to her thankfully still standing tent and go to sleep. But, as one of the leaders, she can't do that until the issue of many tents having been burned down is sorted out.

"Clarke." She hears Bellamy's rough voice behind her and pushes her exhaustion and emotions to the side for now. She has to be strong, or else everything will fall apart more than it already has.

"How many tents did we lose?" She turns to Bellamy, noting several burns on his forearms. None serious enough for medical attention other than running some water over them, but it reminds her that some people could have been hurt. "Is there anyone seriously injured?"

"Nothing life threatening, but probably a third of the group doesn't have tents now. Some of the fabric can be salvaged, but it's going to be too difficult to sort through it in the dark. I'm thinking of giving everyone the option of sleeping outside or crowding into the remaining tents? All of the kids with tents have to take on at least one tentless person." Clarke's mind tries to poke holes in the plan, knowing that everything that can go wrong probably will. The main issue she can see is that temper will flare up with the overcrowding, but maybe they can use that to encourage them to work faster at scavenging the remaining materials and making proper shelters.

"Sounds good." Clarke says when she comes to the conclusion that even though it's not a great plan, it's the best they've got, "But we shouldn't be exempt either. Tempers are going to be running hot as it is, we don't want anyone thinking we're better than them. I'll sort out the female lodgings if you take the males, okay? And tell them to put water on their burns."

Bellamy nods and they head off in opposite directions, sorting people into groups and pairing up those who still have a shelter with those who don't. Clarke looks at the thankfully small group of girls who don't have anywhere to sleep that night and picks the one that she thinks she'll hate sharing a tent with the least.

"Raven, you'll be with me. Octavia, you'll bunk with Tasha." As she names them, the girls split away from the group, everyone desperate to get some sleep after the dramatic day they've had.

In the end it's just her and Raven left standing in the clearing, vaguely watching Bellamy try to calm down guys who don't want to sleep in the same tent as certain people. Clarke's suddenly glad that not only did the girls have their tent further away from the smoke shack, for the most part, they're also less inclined to fight amongst themselves in the wake of a disaster. Many of them can't stand each other on a normal day, but somehow coming close to death seems to have allowed them to put that aside for the night. Either that or Clarke will wake up to bloody fights in the female tents. She decides that now is not the time to worry about that and turns to Raven.

"Come on, let's go get some rest. Morning comes way too soon."

"Mmn." Raven just grunts in response, clearly exhausted.

They stumble to Clarke's tent and fall inside, neither of them caring at that point about changing or following Clarke's own advice to treat their burns. They end up sharing the bed by virtue of the fact that Clarke passes out as soon as she lays down and Raven trips, falls on top of Clarke, and can't muster the energy to rise again. They sleep soundly in a pile of smoke imbued limbs late into the next day.

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