a message from them all

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(this will be explained at the end)

Prince: Well now that the book is over now what?

Anxiety: We could just read other people's stories which, by the way, are way better then this one.

Logic: Come on she tried her best.

Morality: Yea! But why am I such a jerk in the story?

Angelina: I'm actually not sure. But it worked with the plot!

Logic: I agree.

Anxiety: so the plot was to kill me?

Angelina: Not exactly...

Prince: whatever. We all know that's not how me and anxiety actually got together.

Logic: Anxiety and I

Prince: whatever.

Morality: So this is the final chapter?

Anxiety: hopefully

Angelina: yup... Because I'm completely out of ideas.

Logic: well then we shall say our goodbyes.

Morality: But what about the author's logicality book?

Angelina: I'll still work on that.

Logic: Well I must leave. Far well.

Morality: it's too sad to say goodbye. But.... Byee!

Prince: But I'm not the main character in the other book. And i make weird jokes in the other book.

Anxiety: just say goodbye.

Prince: fine.... . Bye.

Anxiety: yea yea. Bye.

So... This is the last chapter. Sad... Not really I know. But i just wanted to write something like I did with all the sides talking about the book before I ended it. But this book is officially completed.

Thank you all so much for the comments, the reads, the votes, and everyone that was here for me when I needed someone. I'll still work on my other book. So that's good news. 😉

Prinxiety- Anxiety X Prince (Thomas Sanders)Where stories live. Discover now