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Chapter 2

May 8, 2016

Haylow, my little journal. Dad made me wake up before sunrise so we could watch it together. I thought it was stupid, until I saw how beautiful it was. Now just remember, I don't use the word beautiful lightly at all. But that is the only word I can use to discribe that moment. Just beautiful.
Have I told you about my dad yet?

He is a very hard worker. I believe he should get a 'I love you' hug every morning and night no matter what. He is 5'6, and very cool. He has a tan and is pretty strong. And can still pick me up 《even though I'm 1 week from 10》. His favorite animal is is a octopus. He plays the guitar as a hobby, and I think he is better at it than any one on earth. I don't care what others say. He has a short black hair cut. His hair is plain, unlike my moms. His hair is the same that grows from his head 😧. But that's ok. Because he makes it up with being really funny. Sometimes when he is playing a gig he wears my mom's wedding dress.

What else?... He has a pet snake. Mom hates it but I think it's rad! He can only take her up stairs when mom is gone. She is black with red eyes. Mom says that her eyes look into her sole 😂. She loves to eat live rats. She won't touch the already dead ones. But it's ok because me and my dad have it covered so that we don't have to buy live rats.

We have 2 cages. One with a female rat and one with a male rat. Then we have another cage where we have them mate. I think it's a pretty effective cycle. Anyways we are going to take a long walk in the woods. I'll talk to you tomorrow♡!!

Me, myself, and I

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