Chapter 16 [The Elder Scroll]

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>> Edited 2020/08/18

《A/N: HOLY CRAP I'M SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG WAIT XD Hope you enjoy this chapter, for we are nearing the end *dark chuckles* xD》

Reader's POV

"What!?" Serana exclaimed.

"I-It is an Elder Scroll."

"Indeed it is." A woman's voice echoed around the room, I jumped and turned. "I knew you would come here Dovahkiin, I foresaw this day..." I stared at the old woman in dark blue robes in front of me.

"Lady Gaiya!" Rae said, she turned to me, "She is our foreseer. She can look at visions of the future, and she is able to tell us about it."

"Like Oliva the Feeble?" I asked, "Oh uhh, nevermind. Are you here to stop us?" I asked the old woman.

"Stop you? Ohohoh... no deary, I am here to explain to you. You see, if we follow the path and Alduin gains full power, the world we be in suffering. I've waited decades for this day." She walked past us and into the room holding the Elder Scroll along with a sword on its left and a amulet to its right.
"These are items to Alduins defeat."

"How? And how do you know?" Serana asked. The lady chuckled.

"Remember my dearies, I can see into the paths of the future. These items are essential to Alduin's temporary banishment."

"Temporary banishment? Alduin has to be banished?" She nodded to my question.

"Alduin cannot be completely killed, as I assume when you defeated him last time, you did not absorb his soul?" I nodded slowly. "That is why, his purpose it to eat the world not take over it. When his time comes, he will return. This is why it is temporary." She explained. "Our people cannot read this scroll, but it is supposed to banish those to time, may it be temporary or not."

"Like when he was banished years ago...?"

"Yes, exactly like that. And these," she started, referring to the amulet and the long sword. "Are to help you with the process. The sword appeared to weaken Alduin more than any other sword to it. It's blade can pierce through his scales like cuting through a wonderful slice of cake. However, it's origins... I do not know. Although the amulet... I cannot say as to what it does. When I saw those flashes into the future, they were only pieces to a puzzle."

"I see, thank you." I told her, she turned and picked up the Elder Scroll. She turned to me and handed me the scroll. "Take this," she then picked up the sword and amulet. "And these too." I gave the scroll to Serana to hold onto for a moment then I grabbed the amulet, it dissapering into my "inventory" then I grabbed the sword.

It was a blue, a shine bright blue. It kind of looked like the sword Chillrend, the sword was long yet not as thin. It even felt lighter than it looked. "Wow," I mumbled. "Beautiful."

"Go, go finish what our people started." Gaiya said with a small smile.

"Thank you for your help." I told her, switching my daedric sword for the one I just received. I took the scroll from Serana, "Let's go."


With the extra help of Rae and Gaiya, we snuck out of the huge fort. Running through the field I noticed there weren't many titans around... 'Is it a spell?' I thought with a small hum.

"Alright, this should be far enough... Od Ah Viing!"

Odahviing came down from the sky, he stared in my direction. I followed his gaze to the Elder Scroll on my back.

"Zuwuth Dey?! (An Elder Scroll?!)" He gasped. Scaled jaw falling open, there was a strange look in his eyes. Uncertainty mixed with genuine shock.

"Geh, nii los vir mu viik Alduin. (Yes, it is how we defeat Alduin.)" I replied. "I will explain on the way, now hurry let us return."


We landed near HQ, I jumped off, Serana following. "Now, I should explain to the commander. Anyway, he's a bit... crippled." I told them, I looked to Serana. "Wanna come?"

"Not really, I was hoping I could read the rest of that book. They're very different here than in Skyrim." She gave a small smile. 

"Oh, alright. Go enjoy your book and relax then." We both walked in and split up at the hallway. I walked to the commander's room, speed walking really.

"Sir!" I knocked a few times.

"Come in."

I opened the door, "I have returned with the key items to Alduins defeat." I told him.

"Oh?" He tilted his head a bit.

"This is the main one." I held out the Elder Scroll to let him see. His eyes had been entranced with the intracately crafted artefact, which shined like nothing else. 

"What may that be?" He asked slightly confused, still in half awe. 

"We call these Elder Scrolls," I told him, holding it out for him to see, though not out stretching my arms fully. "I will use this along with two other items against Alduin."

He stared for a bit, seemingly dazed, then nodded, "Right, that will be one force of weight off our shoulders. You have the weight on your shoulders, I hope you are prepared."

"I am in no position but to always be prepared, all we need now is for Alduin to show himself." I looked down to the Elder Scroll in my hands.

'It's all up to me around this point.'


《A/n: This is shorter than other chapters, cause I don't know where to continue it. So I leave it at that.

I really gotta get caught up with the anime, I've been reading the manga and I wanna see the anime ver of it. Anyways...


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