Late For Work

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Shea awakens groggily, looking around, yawning, she suddenly pause and looks at her clock. "Shit! I'm late!" She screams, immediately throwing her blanket off, she races into the closet, removing her pajamas, replacing them with her work uniform. She stumbles out of the closet, still putting on her pants. She rushes to the bathroom, raking the brush through her hair, wincing slightly in pain, her lights flickering. She looks at the light and grunts. "I really have to fix these damn lights." She says grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste, quickly brushing her teeth. She exits the bathroom and runs around her apartment, grabbing separate papers and files. She grabs a paper clip and pins them together, she quickly puts on her shoes. "Where the hell are my keys?!" She says anxiously, storming about the apartment. "I don't have time for this! Why are they never where I need them to be?!" She shouts. She gets frustrated and punches the wall, immediately whimpering in pain. "Ugh! Ow..." she grunts and walks to the door. "Looks like I'm walking!" She says, leaving her room. She runs down the flights of stairs and out into the lot. Her neighbor waves to her with a friendly smile. Shea acknowledges him with a nod, as she quickly goes down the sidewalk. A man peeks around the corner at her, putting on glasses and tacky hair extensions, as well as fake teeth with braces."I hate wearing this shit. I look stupid!" He grunts and quickly goes in the opposite direction, stuffing a set of keys in his pocket. Shea pulls out her phone and dials her office "hey! It's me! Shea, I'm so sorry! Yes I know I'm late, I'm currently on my way? I'm running there. My alarm clock didn't go off and my keys are missing..." she says with a sigh. "I'll be there soon, I apologize," she says and hangs up.
She puts the phone away, looking down as she walks. She suddenly runs into the man, dropping her stuff. "DAMN IT!" She shouts, quickly bending over to pick up her stuff.
"Oops...! I'm so sorry! I-I. Let me help you...."
He says crouching. "No! I don't need your help, I don't have time for this! Just move." She snaps gathering the papers, swiftly standing. The man stands and stares at her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," he whispers. Shea looks up at him "No, no... I'm sorry, I'm running late for work, my keys went missing, I'm just having a bad morning, I should be sorry, i didn't mean to snap at you. But I've got to be going, again, I'm so sorry sir, have a good day." She says and begins to walk quickly away.
The man leans into his shoulder, watching her "she's about to turn the corner. She's also moving very quickly, I almost missed her."
He whispers, starting to follow her. Shea keeps walking, organizing her papers as she walks. As she turns the corner, she picks up her pace, eventually she comes near a dark black van.
The doors swiftly open, and two men swiftly grab her, yanking her into the van, Closing the doors, She screams loudly and flails. "No! Please! Don't hurt me! Let go of me!" She screams.  The man picks up the files and papers outside the van, getting into the passenger seat. In the back, the two men swiftly tie Shea up, taping her mouth. The man up front removes his disguise and sighs.  "Good job Treavor. Got her where we needed her." Says the driver. Treavor looks over and nods, before looking through the window into the back. He looks at Shea, chuckling slightly. "She's so frantic. Nothing like her mother..."
The driver looks back. "Doesn't even look like her... you sure this is even her?" He asks "yes Matthew. I've kept an eye on her for like eleven years. It's her." Treavor says. "If you insist."
"Just start driving before people notice!"
Matthew nods and starts the engine, driving away casually.

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