Relax Now

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A/N: Before you start reading a quick few things I wanna say: 1) I don't own bioshock all characters go to their respective creators, 2) This is taken from MY AO3 account. If seen otherwhere please tell me and I will speak with the poster :) 

That's all, enjoy!


"I need a drink" Jack told himself setting his gun off to the side. Not to far from him just in case a spliced tried to jump him.

The man rolled his sleeves up looking around, he was in a wrecked bar. Glass to his right, looking like it was threatening to break and flood the room. He had a nice view, or as close as "nice" got in Rapture.

"You sure sound like it." the familiar voice of Atlas pulled him out of his thoughts. He wanted so much to just sit and talk with Atlas. But he knew there was no time for that down here in this hell.

"Well buddy I would too." a chuckle filled his ears, he must've accidentally spoke out loud. Oops.

With a shake of his head, Jack went around the bar and crouched down rummaging through bottles. "I don't understand how you can go without talking to someone for days" Jack responded still looking.

"Well when you're a smartass like me and have all the time in the world, it's pretty easy"

They both gave a laugh at that, it hurt Jack just because of all the bruises and possibly broken bones he got while fighting a big daddy. They had a comfortable silence for a few seconds. "Ah ha!" Jack grabbed a cold bottle of beer he found, cracking it open.

It felt like forever since he heard the refreshing noise of the bottle opening. He immediately started going to town on the drink. "Mwaa! Oh how I missed you" that sent Atlas laughing. Jack couldn't help as a smile sat on his face from that.

"Ew get a room you two" Jack laughed at this. He loved just being weird around Atlas. Like he was free and knew Atlas for a while. But that soon ended as Jack leaned against the counter, grimacing in pain.

"Think I broke something Atlas" he held his side in an effort to stop the pain more, after a few seconds another shot of pain went through him. "Oh fuck" his mind became hazy, legs feeling like Jello.

"Jack?! Can you hear me?" Atlas's voice was fading from his ears he thought he heard panic laced in his words, the ground getting closer to his vision.

"Shit, Just try and hold on. I'll be there as quick as I can" the radio went off with a 'click'.

"Relax now Angel"

Jack didn't hear what the other voice had said, his mind focusing on trying to stay awake as he hit the floor. Glass bottles shattering as he tried to grab onto something. Feet were what the final thing he saw before he lost consciousness.

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