Help me

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Katniss POV

I wake up screaming the voices only become louder and I only become weaker every day losing all hope of sitting here on my rocking chair praying for the nightmares to go away and for meaning to come back to my life. I wake up only hoping that all that has gone on in my life was a nightmare that when I awake Prim would be still in her room playing with buttercup and my mother and father would be happily cuddled up together on the raggedy old couch back at home in the seam. Or that Finnick was still with Annie and Johanna was still at home with the people she once loved alive. I wish that I would still have Gale not as a love interest but as my best friend and hunting partner knowing he would protect my family instead of tearing it apart. I wish I would of noticed Peeta and grew to love him the way normal people did instead of having to fake love him to keep are selves alive. But it doesn't I sit here condemned into a world of darkness. On the occasion of the voices stopping for a moment I hear the faint meows of buttercup and mockingjays whistling about. A bird I once admired but now found excruciating to listen to. But this time I hear something different the sound of wheels approaching. I'm taken back by this a sound that causes the voices in my head to stop singing the hanging tree but start screaming at me to run that whatever that noise is it's coming to kill me. I quickly run into my bedroom a place I haven't seen in so long only because I was afraid of the nightmares to lurk and worsen in there. I hide behind a curtain by the window clutching it tight in fear of letting something else slip away from me. I am curious though to see what's causing this noise I slowly inch up only hearing the voices screeching louder for me to go back down but I don't listen. My head pokes up from the curtain and my eyes fix on the glass then to the surroundings outside. This place has certainly changed since the last time I was out there the rubble had been cleared up and fences were built flowers were planted and things were taken care of. I look in front of my house to see a capital man with an enormous truck moving stuff into Peeta's house and immediately feel defensive how dare he sets foot in that place no matter where Peeta was even if he was never coming back that's the last thing I had left of him and that would always be his home after all he's been through it belongs to him. I don't know what's gotten into me but I quickly run down the stairs passing the mirror seeing the reflection of myself a broken down girl with a skinny figure skin glued to her bones with her hair matted into clumps. But I don't care I burst out of my house letting the warm spring breeze blow across me and the sun sinking into my skin. I turn to the man and scream at him. "What do you think your doing to this house this is..." I hold back tears as my voice cracks "Peeta Mellark's house and you have no right touching it!" I screech and walk in the opened door and lock it quickly behind me. I look around the house and see paintings and all the little things that remind me of the old Peeta and I can still smell the brief sent of cinnamon and dill lingering in the air. I soon collapse to the floor I being sobbing followed by awful chocking noise. I hear another set of wheels come probably to send me to the capital for rehab of some sort. I hear the door unlock as I sob louder helpless at this point. Then I begin whimper the only person who I need right now. "Peeta." I continue to whimper on and on clutching the pearl that never leaves my side rubbing it against my lips. I hear steady but uneven footsteps march through the house thinking it could be peace keepers I clutch the pearl harder. "Peeta." I whimper again then I hear a gasp followed by someone kneeling down then rubbing circles into my back. Their touch was familiar safe even but that's what the enemy wants be to think the voices get louder and louder telling me that this is it that I'm going to die right here until I break and scream even know he's miles away. "Ahhhhhh no please Peeta help me!"

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