Chapter 1

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{December 26 2005} <Flashback>
There was a fire in the house...mother and father burnt to death...Leaving their 6 year old daughter Chloe all alone...

"MOM!DAD!" Yelled a crying Chloe...Hopeless and alone.

Blake Evans
Chloe Sanders
Michael Harris
Emma Williams
Nadia James
Sydney Edwards
Zachery Daniels

Bad Boy
BOOK 1 ~Present~

{November 2nd 2017}
Chloe POV *Thinking*
Ok don't worry Chloe. You want this job and you're going to be great!
Then My bus comes to a stop in front of a huge mansion. I walk in with my suit case behind me to see two men at the front door. "Are you Chloe Sanders?" I nodded. "Then Mr. Lekt will show you to your new room." I nodded again then started to follow the tall man in the black suit. Minutes later We get to the 2nd floor into my room, seeing it all colored in blue and a beautiful bed sheets with my name on it. A nice colored brown desk in the cornor. A closet with shoes and outfits for my job and extra room for my clothes in the suitcase. A small refrigerator with soda, water, and some food. Beside the bed on both ends were small places with lamps on each one. Above my wall with the door on it said "You can't sell dreams to someone who has walked through nightmares." Which was a little bit weird but I didn't question it. Mr.Lekt spoke with confidence "Thanks for accepting this job, Blake will be here soon. Get ready before he gets here" Smiling at me. Then leaving me to change. I look at the closet. Went inside to see a School uniform, Guessing I switched schools aswell and they already told my old school about me moving. I went to get my uniform then came back out.

{She takes her clothes off here with an Akward Moment so if you do not Like please Skip to where it says <Finished> but this moment isn't Mature it's fine to read!}

I take of my shirt and pants revealing me in my Blue bra and underwear. I went to grab my top part of the uniform when someone walked in. "Finally I'm Fucking home! These pe-" Then he stopped talking and started staring at me. Looking at me up and down. Rage filled in with me "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY CHECKING ME OUT!?!" I punched him out of my room and closed the door. I quickly put on my Top and Skirt part of the uniform and came out.


I went downstairs seeing Blake after what happened.He was talking to Mr.Lekt. Rage was still in me after what he did. He saw me come down the stairs. Then he looked back at Mr.Lekt "Who's she?" He said with an irritated tone. "She is the new Secretary Blake" BLAKE! THAT WAS BLAKE!? Ugh should have known. "Oh, hurry up then....uh....what's your name?" How does he not know my name? Was he not the one that sent me the application? Must have been Mr.Lekt. "Chloe, it's Chloe" with a little irritation in my voice. "Ok Chloe well we need to get to school before we're even more late. It's already 7 minutes late so hurry up its just 2 blocks away." He said running out the door, picking up a back pack from Mr.Lekt's hands while a white one in his other, "This one is for you Chloe, hurry before you even get more late." I nodded then ran out the door, grabbing my backpack to catch up with Blake.

[Skipping to school time]
I finally got there seeing Blake with some people laughing, "What's so funny?" Then Blake said "We're 20 minutes early, just wanted to rush you" I thought that's what Blake was telling Mr.Lekt! Ughhhhh I hate this job! I wished I never applied...Though Blake is really famous so other people could have gotten this opportunity..What was so different about my application? "Why you!!" Then I stopped noticing a Beautiful Blonde girl hit Him and his other friend with a Bat. "Hey! I'm Sydney and those stupid people won't bug you a lot of you stick with me!" She spoke with a smile. She seemed and look so nice!


"That's the bell! Let's go in early so we can get seats next to each other! And those two? Well let's leave them and that blonde hair kid by Blake? That's Zachery Anyways let's go!" I nodded with a chuckle and we went inside to Science!

I'm going to end it off right there for now! Please if you like it stay tuned for more by either, Adding this to library, or following me!
I post daily so I'll post another chapter tommorow or I'll post 2 tommorow! Please follow me knowing this is my first book ever!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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