Hey guys i know i have been gone for like 3000 years but if you are still reading shoutout to you.
So suicide is like a major puzzle piece of our generation we have many shows like 13 reasons why which is one of my fav show at the moment showing us how stressful highschool and a life as a teenager in this time period can be. this generation breeds judgemental,unloyal,and cruel teenagers.
So im making this chapter to say what ever you are going through you will be ok! There is so many challenges we face bullying ,depression ,anxitey, family problems, realtionship problems,social anxiety,being insecure we try so hard to mold and fit as the perfect puzzle piece that doesnt fit and in the inside we are hurting so bad. if you are going through bullying i understand ive been there but you cant keep it in keeping your pain and hurt in is only setting the timer for your mental time bomb speak up please find a friend you can talk to about any of your struggles and they can talk to am adult for you or they can help you out of the problem.
And also find something that makes you happy and when time gets hard you go to that place or you do that thing that makes you happy .
Like for me youtube makes me happy i watch it everyday and it helps me so much to the point where i want to make my own youtube channel and inspire and give them a place of happiness like someone did for me.
And if you guys are religious pray that always helps me.
And when anxiety comes in and sit right next to me like its my bestfriend i get super upset because it keeps me from doing alot of things it feels as if it mutes me so I either text my friends but they are pretty trash and never answer when i need them or i lock my phone breathe then i unlock it then i go to my notes and i type a quick little statement of how i feel in the moment or how i was feelimg before that moment so i can track the next time i will feel that way or what caused anxiety to show up so i can slow it down a little bit and do something happy or something to take my mind off of it.
And another inspo i wanna give about suicide - dont hurt yourself to escape you will only make the enemy's mission complete
And if you guys have any tips any things that make yall happy or feel good comment them please if you guys have any youtubers you want me to check out comment down below and if you think i should start my own channel also comment that also and if you guys ever need someone to talk to just inbox me i will try to text back as fast as i can....I'VE BEEN THERE!
TIPS AND GIRL CODE guide to popularity