[Make-Over] Chapter One

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[Hello! No signifigant update on this chapter, I just wanted to change the date of the prom]

"Honey? Are you awake?" My mother asked knocking from the other side of the door. "Yes, I'm just, looking over my homework real quick." I said, opening the door. There my mother stood in front of me, "Oh, (Y/N) you focus so much on homework... Sometimes I worry about your social life." She said, I sighed. "I'm fine mom." I said.

"Your just like your father..." She said, and her stare transferred from me to the ground.

"Why do you compare me to that man?" I asked. She sighed, and said, "(Y/N)..." She said. I glanced at her, and sighed. "I'll be leaving soon mom, have a good day at work." I said, and smiled at her gently.

She sighed again and kissed my forehead, "Have a good day at school, hun." She said. I nodded, and grabbed all my stuff and putting them into my book bag. I heard the front door open and close, and the car starting and leaving. That means my mother, has now left for work. I grabbed my bag, and made sure my homework was in it, I sighed relived and then went downstairs and left the house making sure the door was locked.

I walked towards my high school, I was a twelfth grader, no friends, or anybody to talk to. I don't complain nor mind. I'm just the lonely girl with large geeky glasses, not like those reading glasses, unsubscribed ones. Mines were prescribed, I had horrible eyesight. I never really bothered to wear eye contacts nor do I want to either.

I ran my fingers through my (H/C) (H/L) hair, as I reached the school. I walked inside, and my hearing was buzzed with the sound of loud teenagers.


I went towards my locker, and put some stuff in and took some stuff out.

"EEEEHHH! (Y/N)!" A familiar girly scream invaded my thoughts.

The halls seemed to go quiet, as I saw the girl you screamed my name.

Samantha Ablacatraz.

Popular, beautiful, and idiot.

"I have been looking for you! How's my favorite cousin!?" She said excited. I can't believe I'm related to this girl. "I've been well." I said. "(Y/N), I've been meaning to ask you." She said, I glanced at her, and let her talk. "You know, the dance is arriving in a few weeks, right?" She asked. I nodded, closing my locker and facing her.

"And, I would hate for this time that you miss out, so how about I give you a full out make-over? And hook you up with a guy!" She said excited.

"No Samantha, I think I'll do fine sitting in front of the computer watching YouTube." I said, walking towards class. She followed... Sadly we have ALL classes together. "Come on, (Y/N) please I'll make it worth your time!" She begged.

"No, that's final." She sighed, and said, "Fine, but my offer is still up." She said walking to her group of girls.

First class: Life Science

I sat down at a table, and placed my science notebook beside me. I sighed as class was about to start and the class started to get filled. I looked beside me, at the chair.


Like always. "Hey?" A voice said from behind me, I glanced behind me and saw a tall boy. He looked muscular, black hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. "Uh... Yes?" I responded to the male. "Can I sit next to you? There's really no where else to sit." He said, and pointed to all the filled seats.

"Uh sure?" I said. He smiled slightly, and sat down. Then the teacher walked in, "Welcome back students." He said, and begun class.

~Middle of class

"Hey?" The boy whispered.

I hummed a yes, writing down notes. "I never got your name, I should get the names of my partner." He said.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I whispered not really paying attention to him.

"Hm... Beautiful name... Evan Fong." He said.

Did he just say beautiful? Is this guy on drugs or what?

I sighed not bothering with it, and continued to take notes.

~End of class

"Okay students! Before I dismiss you, the person sitting next to you will be your permanent partner for the rest for the rest of the semester! Also, you and your partner will be working on a project for the next few days so I advise exchange contacts, study, and use teamwork! You are dismissed!" He said.

I grabbed my notebook, and other stuff and I was about to walk out before my name was called. I looked at the person that called me, and it was Evan. "Yes?" I said. "What's your number? I need it for the project." He said.

I never really gave someone my number, or I would never really do it. But, this is school only nothing else. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote my number on it. "School only." I said giving it to him. He smiled and nodded. He then ran off, to a large group of boys.

Evan Fong.

Popular, handsome, and charming.

I sighed, and left class to head to my other classes. As, I was walking to my second period my phone vibrated. I looked at it, and realized I got a text.

Hey beautiful! It's Evan Fong from science, I just wanted to text you already to get it over with, when can we meet to study?

I sighed, as I read it. I looked around, and then texted back.

Can you please not call me beautiful? It's weird, and I guess we could study at the public library tomorrow night, straight after school.


Then my phone vibrated almost immediately.


Alright... Beautiful, see you then and in Algebra! Also, I like your glasses their adorable. Welp, see ya... Beautiful

I sighed, and put my phone away, this guy is definitely high, and he called my glasses adorable? Does he live in an asylum?

I sighed and went straight to algebra class.

That Evan Fong...

[Make-Over] Vanoss x Reader [Discontinued?]Where stories live. Discover now