[Make-Over] Chapter Two

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Nogla is amazing!


Another day, of school sitting next to that Evan Fong. I sighed, as he kept on talking. I wasn't really listening I was thinking about how did I end up next to this boy? Is this a nightmare or is this just the world turning on me.

"(Y/N)? You listening?" He asked, looking at me. "Uh... No?" I said. He chuckled, and said, "I was talking about Dead By Daylight, you know the game that came out last year." He said. "Oh, yea..." I said.

"Ever heard of it?" He asked.

"Yea." I said.

"Play it?" He asked


"What consel?"

"Xbox One."

He smiled, and said, "Can you add me? I would like to play with you sometime. Do you have a mic?" He asked. I nodded, he smiled and grabbed a small sheet of ripped paper, and started writing on it. He then gave it to me.

Vanoss, it read.

Then the bell rung, dismissing us to our next class. I got up, and left the class. Vanoss stood up and ran after me. "(Y/N)!" Evan said catching up to me. "Yea?" I said. "Can I walk with you to class?" He asked. "Uh..." I said.

"That's a yes." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder. I squeaked, and he chuckled and smiled brightly at me. "Come on buddy!" He said. "Your my new friend!" He said, I sighed, and let him just think that.

It was algebra, and the teacher let us have a free day today. So, Evan decided to come spend it with me. Here we go again...

"You know, for a cutie your pretty quiet." He said, I looked at the crazy man slightly.

"Are you high? Or are you just plain old crazy." I said, he looked at me. "What you mean?" He asked. "Your sitting next to me, complementing me on whatever means, and your just talking to me." I said, he chuckled, "What's wrong with that?" He asked. "Well, I've never really been noticed before... And, you kinda get use to it. Then you get consumed in the loneliness and get use to the fact no one wants to be your friend." I said.

He was silent.

"Eh, sorry..." I said, and looked away.

"You know, (Y/N). This is the first time you ever really talked to me." He grinned ear to ear. I smiled a bit. He noticed and said, "You actually smile!" He said. "Of course I do, just not that much..." I said. He smiled and chuckled. "Okay, have you played Outlast or Outlast 2?" He asked. "Both, and the DLC." I said. "That's so cool! I didn't know you were a geek." He said. "Well... Your the first." I said.

Evan and I talked for the whole day, mostly him talking though. We were gonna see each other again, at the session today in the library after school. So, I went straight home.

I walked inside the house, I saw my mom on the couch sleeping. I sighed, and placed a cover over her. "(Y/N)? Your home?" She asked tired. "Yea, but I'm about to head out." I said. "Oh? Where you going?" She asked. "To a study, session with some boy, we're doing a project." I said. She then shot up, "AH! No! You can't!" She said, all excited. "Okay." I shrugged. "I mean! Invite him over here! He can even stay for dinner!" She said, running into the kitchen.

"Um... Alright?" I said. "CALL HIM!" She shouted. [That's me if I was a parent] I sighed, and pulled my phone out, going into my contacts, clicking the name. Stupid boy, I sighed, and held the phone close to my ear. It rung for a few seconds, before picking up.

"(Y/N)! You actually called, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh...Uh I can't come to the library." I said.

"Oh...Okay." He said, a bit disappointed.

"N-No, I-I mean my mom wants you to come over to study, even stay for dinner." I said

"Oh! That sounds nice." He said happy.

"What's your address and I'll be over in a jiffy?" He asked.

"[Address], well see you then." I said.

"Ya, bah bye cutie." He said.

"Shut up." I then hung up.

I turned and looked at my mom, "He's coming." I said, I then heard my mom scream out of excitement. "Oh god, kill me now..." I said.

Then the doorbell rung.


[Cliffhanger! Even though this book hasn't been noticed yet, it's good to update once in a while!]

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