[Make-Over] Chapter Five

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5 Days Until the Dance

I sighed, as I looked at the calendar. Five days until the dance...Why do I have this feeling of hope? Hope that maybe.... Just maybe, Evan...Would possibly. Possibly ask me to the dance. I shook my head, and sighed as I looked out the window. I saw Evan pull up, I grabbed my bag and stuff and headed out the door. Evan was looking at his phone, before he looked up. "Hey (Y/N). I was about to text you." He says. I nod a bit, as he gives me the helmet. "I see your wearing that ring from last week~." He cooed. I rolled my eyes and put the helmet on.

I then saw his hand. He wore the ring also. I sighed, and got on the back of his bike and held on to him. He then sent me one last smile, before we went off. I sighed, as I watched everything pass by.

[Skip to arrival and inside school]

"Can I walk you to your locker?" Evan ask, as we stood inside the school at the doors. "Don't you wanna get your stuff first?" I ask. He smiled, "Don't worry about that." He says. "Evan... I-I want you to go get your stuff!" I told him. He sighed, and ran his hands through his hair. "P-Please...Evan." I said. He looked at me and nodded. "I-I'll see you in class." I said. He smiled, and heads off to his locker. I then head off to my locker, but as soon as I got there my cousin greeted me. "Hi (Y/N)!" Samantha said. "Hey... Um....I have a favor to ask you." I said. "Go ahead~." She said.

"C-Can you give m-me...A um.... Make-over, on the day of prom?" I ask. She grinned and nodded. "EEEEEEKKK! I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!!!!" She yelled getting everyone's attention. I sighed, and grabbed all my stuff and walked away. Idiot... I walked into class, but surprisingly Evan was there before I was, usually he would spend time with his friends right now.

I sighed, and walked over, sitting down next to him. He smiled at me. "(Y/N), can't you believe prom is in five days?" He asked excited. "No..." I said. "Are you going?" He asked. "I don't really know." I said. "Oh, sorry, (Y/N) I gotta go use the bathroom." He said, and got up to use the bathroom. I sighed, as I looked at my phone. "So, this is the girl that stole my best friend's heart." Someone said. I looked up and saw, Johnathon, a boy part of Evan's crew. "Can I help you?..." I asked. He smiled kindly, he had dark brown eyes, and black hair. "Yes actually you can!" He said. I nodded listening. "I was wondering if you could come over to my house tonight, Evan wanted me to invite you over. Please, it'll mean a lot to him." He begged. I thought a bit. "Sure..." I said.

He smiled, and went back to his seat. Just on cue, Evan walked back into the room, and sat down. "(Y/N), I your still insanely cute." He said, and smiled. I sighed, and shook my head. "You don't believe me?" He asked. "Well, should I? You say it every single day." I said. He chuckled, as he continued to compliment me. I sighed, as my now normal day begun.

[After School]

I sighed, as Evan stopped his bike outside my house. "So... I'll see you tomorrow, then." He said. I nodded, "Yea." I said, and headed inside. I closed the door behind me, and I looked at my phone. I saw that Jonathan had texted me, how'd he even get my number? Weirdo.

Jonathan- Yo! (Y/N), I just want you to know that you should come over Luke's house at 6 instead of my house, alright?

Me- Yea, I'll be there, I think I know where he lives.

Jonathan- Great! See ya later, hot stuff ;)

Hot stuff? Only Evan calls me that. Why does people get weirder and weirder each day? 

I then looked at the time, my mother wasn't home yet. Maybe, she's on a date. I decided it was time to go, because I don't have a car and I'm gonna walk. I grabbed my house keys and phone, then I headed out.

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