Chapter 1

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If I didn't get out of this car soon one of two things were going to happen. Either I would kill the lady who is currently sitting in the front seat attempting - not succeeding - to text and drive or I will be jumping out of a moving vehicle.

I think I'm going to jump. I'm already slowly running out of breathable oxygen due to the smell of her cheap perfume.

Did she bath in that shit? Why was it invading all my breathing space? I mean how much did she put on? Does she not shower or something? I held back a gag and checked the time on my ipod, it was already 10 at night, that means only 20 minutes or so till I'm there.

I had already been holed up in this car for 6 hours as this lady who's name I didn't bother to remember drove me to hell, well not literal hell but close enough.

My names Casey, Case for short or 'mentalcase' according to the people at my now old school. They weren't very creative but that nickname stuck like .....

Anywhore you are properly wondering why I'm in this car in the first place. Well you see, it all started when..

My mum is dead.

I've said that repeatedly in my head for the last couple of weeks and no matter, even if i scream it over and over again I am still expecting her to pop up out of no where, wrap her arms around me and take me back home.

But I don't have a home anymore, and this lady up front thinks that giving me to my biological father would give me one. But oh was she wrong.

I have never met my father, my mum said I have the same light brown eyes and brown hair. The two features I happen to hate the most about me, I mean most people pull off the brown eyes and brown hair, looking all mysterious but my look just encapsulates boring. All I'm proud of is my fitness but even I have found a way to ruin that for myself.

I'll tell you about that later.

For now I've devised a plan, an escape plan. So I go to my 'dads' and then after a week passes I'm out of there. I've already got some friends saving a couch for me out at my mate gage's apartment about an hour off the coast and that's where I plan to go. I just have to get through this week.

'CASEY!' I zoned back into Reality and immediately assaulted by her stench again as she waved her hand frantically in front of my face. She looked as if she wanted to murder me, how long had I zoned out for?

'uh yeah sorry, what?' I found my voice.

'Good God child are you deaf? We are here. What are you waiting for? Did you want me to hold your hand and walk you to your daddy?' I know she wasn't my biggest fan but jez Louise you would think she would be a bit more sympathetic to someone who's had to go through what I have.

What a total bitch.

'No I'm fine by myself, where do I go?' I looked out the window to see we were in some sort of open area. Red cups and random pieces of trash littered the floor, over to the right massive buses were neatly lined up. I could see some of the lights were on in the bus windows and I could hear the laughter bounding over from the distance.

Wait, were we at a venue? Were those tour buses?

Who exactly was my dad? An event manager?

'Just head off to the third last bus, it's the one with OM&M on it.' She waved me off and turned back to her phone. I guess this was her way of telling me to get the fuck out out of the car... like right now.

I grabbed my bag, I didn't pack much, only the essentials, so it would be easy to take when I skipped this place. I promptly jumped out of the car slamming the door with unnecessary force as I got out. She sped off leaving me in a cloud of dust, what was with this lady and ruining my breathing air.

The cloud dissipated and I took a big breath of fresh air smiling at the fact that I had actually forgotten how good air was to breathe. I seriously hope I would never be caught in a confined space with her again.

I looked around, there was no one here besides the laughter coming from the buses.. I was going to run anyway, what's stopping me now?

I mean don't get me wrong I was a bit curious to meet my dad but it would be so much easier to just go now.

Maybe I should, I have a couple of hundred tucked away in the front pocket of my black skinny jeans, what more do I need?

I grabbed my bag and double checked to see if anyone was around, luckily no one was so I slung my back pack over my shoulder and turned towards the gates I had just driven through.

Shit wait I didn't know this area.. How far was the bus stop? Fuck.

Just when I started to have these doubts I saw the cars parked in a car park over near the right side of the venue.

Thank you Gage for teaching me how to hit wire a car!

I ran over to the closest car which happened to be a massive black range rover and pulled the bobby pin out of my hair and got to work. As soon as I touched the car the alarm went off. Blaring all throughout the venue.


I didn't even think about the alarm, such an amateur mistake, Gage would be disappointed. I heard shouting from across the lot and turned to see a heavily tattooed guy running full speed at me.


I legged it. I have never ran so fast in my life. My old track coach would have been proud. I ran so fast that I tripped over a fucken rock, okay maybe not as proud as I originally thought. I frantically stumbled back to my feet, but those few seconds were all he needed to catch up.

I felt a hand grab around my upper arm and suddenly I was being dragged towards the buses.

'Oh you little shit! vic is going to eat your head off when I tell him what you were trying to do!!' Oh boy was he mad.

Which to be fair I would be angry too if i found someone trying to steal my car.

Internal sign.

I struggled to get out of his grasp, he was pretty lanky but wow he had a good grip on my shirt. I looked up to see he was wearing a flat cap.

'Duudee' I gasped out as his grip tighten, if I wasn't getting out of his grib may as well have some fun. 'didn't anyone tell you that you can't get burnt at night.' I chuckled at my own joke.

He glanced down at me then sped up causing me to trip and be practically dragged along in the dirt till he got to the bus where all the noise seemed to be coming from.

'Oi vic look what I found trying to steal your car.' The guy who wears hats at night yelled throughout the bus. Oh god please tell me this wasn't the bus that was second last, as I looked up I was faced with about 15 or so guys, most had tattoo's covering there bodies and piercings here and there.

'What the hell!' I looked over to see a short guy who surprisingly had no tats and just a simple noise ring glare at me, he was seated on the couch that was tucked up next to a small kitchen on the right side of the bus.

How did they all fit in here and are they-

My thoughts stopped as I heard the shattering of glass and looked over to see an abnormally tall guy who had just dropped what used to be a beer on the ground, he looked at me in shock. Oh holy mother of turtles please tell me he wasn't my-

'Casey?' He whispered.

Fuck, I was always good with first impressions.

Note the sarcasm.


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