Chapter 1

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Footsteps echoed through the halls, stopping at the kitchen. The faint sounds of clattering can be heard as the figure approaches the (h/c) girl. He sneakily walks up behind her, hoping to catch her off guard just this once.

"I know you're there Karma." Her voice laced with amusement.

"Will I ever get the drop on you??" He sighs

"Hmm.. probably not." She chuckles

"Well you have an unfair advantage." He says as he sticks his tongue out at the girl.

"Not my fault, you did have your chance to be an assassin too you know."

"I know, I know, just not my thing."

"Yeah definitely not."

(Y/n) turns back to cooking breakfast as Karma takes his seat at the table. He and his childhood friend have been living together since their parents are always away, well his, what she has is a mere guardian. He sighs at the thought, a sweet, kindhearted girl like (y/n) somehow got mixed up in the business of assassination. He gazes at her figure, a new cut, barely visible on her thigh. "Probably from her recent job." He thought to himself.

"What time did you get home??" Karma asks

"I guess around 3am? I'm not sure, I was out like a light when I hit the bed sheets." She giggles

"Do you have any other injuries?"

"No, just the one. I was a bit careless this time. Guess even a world class assassin can slip up, huh Karma?"

"Guess so."

It honestly irritated the boy, seeing the person he holds dear going out on dangerous missions, even more so when she's injured. Suddenly, (y/n)'s fingers are snapping in front of him.

"Hey now, it's just a small scratch, calm down and eat your breakfast." She says

"Yeah, yeah."

She sighs and takes the chair opposite to him. At school, he's a smartass who can't help but run his mouth, but right now, he's just out of it. The (h/c) looked at him concerned for his lack of attitude, she needed to change the topic.

"So how's E-Class? I left the same day your suspension ended." (Y/n) said

"It's actually really fun. I found something to keep me occupied~" Karma replied

"Really?? What is it?" She asked curiously

"Oh come on, as if you don't already know~"

"Well you hear stuff and in my case, will experience it."

"How'd you land yourself in E-Class, former Ms. A-Class??"

"Well the Ministry of Defense for one thing. If they ask you personally, you kinda don't feel like saying no. Plus it seems interesting. Keep it a secret though, okay??"

"No problem, I'd love to see the octopus' face after seeing an innocent looking girl like you attack him."

(Y/n) laughed as she walked away to get ready for school. Karma sighed, not knowing whether  or not he should be happy or mad that (y/n) was put in E-Class. Sure they'd be together more often, but her the reason as to why didn't sit well with him. Though it's no surprise, it's be a perfect sneak attack. Someone who already studies at Kunigigaoka transfers to E-Class, totally normal, no one, not even the students in that class, would realize that she was actually a pro assassin. Even so, being an assassin at such a young age, who wouldn't be disconcerted?

The time came to make an appearance in the assassination classroom. As he walked up the mountain, Karma overheard his fellow classmates talking about the new girl in question. His blue haired friend turned around and spotted him, signaling for him to catch up and he obliged.

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