New Guardian?

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North was checking all of the Christmas decoration one afternoon when the lights on the globe flickered and black sand covered the globe. In an instant North pulled the switch.

Brilliant streaks of green ,blue and pink lit up the sky calling all the guardians.

/////At the Workshop/////

When Jack arrived at the workshop, North, Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy were already there, waiting for him. When he saw Bunny's face, he knew that Bunny was not in a good mood  

"What is it?" asked Tooth, "yeah, what is it that is so important that it can't wait three days until Easter has past!?!" yelled Bunnymund to North. "I'm afraid Pitch has risen again," laid down North immediately. It was quiet for a moment. "What!" yelled Tooth, Bunny and Jack simultaneously.

North, Bunny and Tooth all started arguing about the chances of it happening again and how the know it was real. Just then a bright beam of light shone through the workshop. Sandy seeing this went over to jack who was staring out the window the window in deep thought.

"Hey~" Jack said sarcastically, "I think the Man in Moon wants to tell us something." Then North turned toward the moon, completely forgotten the previous argument. "What is it, old friend?" he shouted. A beam of light shined toward them, creating a circle on the floor. Then a shadow emerged, forming a human-like shape. Pitch. "Not again," Bunny said with a frustrating voice. "Well, he never learns, does he?" Tooth said, looking amused. "So, what should we do?" North asked. The beam got smaller, then the panel on the floor opened, revealing a giant crystal sitting on an altar, slowly raising up. "Not again!" Bunny shouted out in frustration, again. "Um, what is this?" Jack asked. "The moon stone," North explained excitedly, "it's going to choose a new guardian!" Tooth said, "I wander who is it this time." "Please don't be a teenager, Please don't be a teenager," Bunny mumbled repeatedly while glaring at Jack.  

  The light around the stone started to shine, it emerged into a human figure, revealing a heavily cloaked figure who seems to be floating, but the strangest part was this person under the hood was a jack-o-lantern pumpkin where the head was so-pose to be. The cloaked figure also held a skythe. (this is Evie or Eve by the way)

"well you did say you didn't want a teenager, looks like our lucks turning around!" said jack, hoping to annoy the rabbit, but all he got was silence. Then he realized that even the other guardians were silenced, each of them had a shocked face, even North was looking uneasy.

  "I can not believe this!" Bunny shouted,"how could someone who takes lives away on daily bases becomes a guardian? He can even be a replica of Pitch himself!" "It should be okay if he can protect the children, right?" Tooth asked. Sandy shrugged his shoulders, and North did not answer, still deep in thought. "North, is there a possibility that the Man in Moon made a mistake?" Bunny asked desperately. "Yes..., but as far as my experience goes, he did not," North replied. 

"wait, hold on a minute, Who is this?" asked Jack. " Jack, thats the grim reaper, or death, he's been around since the dark ages," said Tooth slowly.

After a few minutes of silence, North spoke out with a forced smile,"Well, we still need to welcome this newcomer, Bunny!" "Yes?" Bunny replied. "Go fetch this kid with the Yetis. And remember, he is older than you, so you need to respect him." "Wait, wait, wait, why should I be the one who goes to get him? the bloody monster almost killed me!"  Bunny shouted outraged. "okay, Tooth!" smiled North "No North, you know what he did to my fairies,  he turned them dark so they could scare people!" replied Tooth seemingly horrified. "Sandy" North asked looking at Sandy who was shaking his head frantically. "you've got to be kidding me North, He can create black sand, He'll kill him!" said Bunny answering for Sandy. Then North looked at Jack. "Jack?" "now thats someone I wouldn't mind dead," said Bunny, getting a jab in the ribs from Tooth in return. "well, umm, from what I heard i would rather be alive," said Jack slowly. "ok, how about we all go,"  suggest Tooth. "Then it is settled, we all go!" cheered North.


It's been six hours since the guardians began searching for Death in Halloween town where he normally resides. They were beginning to get frustrated, but North wouldn't give up the search. After another hour of searching they gave up and ended up resting in a nearby pumpkin farm. "uh, this is impossible!" wined Jack irritated, "oh shut up ya bloody showpony!" snapped Bunny just as irritated. After a few moments of resting and North muttering under his breath while crossing out places they have already searched, Sandy got an idea. "what is it sandy?" says North while trying to decipher the pictures showing on top of Sandy's head. (A while later of deciphering) "Got it!" shouts North startling everyone who was starting to fall asleep after giving up on trying to find out what sandy was trying to say. "we," says North, "get spirit to come to us," " seriously!" says Bunny "that was what he was trying to say for the past few hours" "oh, no, no bunny, Sandy here came up with a plan too, with my help of course!" says North with pride while Sandy was bristling in the corner. "so whats the plan?" asks Tooth and Jack at the same time. "well, we all hide, except for Jack because he is going to lure Death in," "and how do I do that?" butted in Jack recieving a slight glare from North for interrupting. "Jack, will freeze the pumpkins here" says North who was met by silence. "and what does the pumpkins have to do with this?" asks Bunny giving North a look that says have you lost it. "well apparently when Death was reborn, The first Death and Mother Nature also though he was worthy of being revived so they too reborn him. And because of this they each gave him a power without knowing that the others too gave him powers and therefore giving him a part of them. Manny was angered by this and wanted to destroy Him for being too powerful but he bested Manny so he got to live. Since he lived he must have gotten a part of each of them inside of his so Mother Nature, being the nature lover she is, must of made death have some kind of control over plants or at least the season," explained North. "WAIT, he bested Manny!" said Bunny, "yeah," "then how do you expect us to get him when he is clearly powerful!" said Bunny bewildered.

"who cares this is so cool!" said Jack getting a dirty glare from Bunny. "So, now that the pumpkin matter is resolved, lets continue with the plan" says North cheerfully. The guardians reluctantly went to place and started going with the plan. Jack made snow rain down on the pumpkin slowly at first but then gradually start getting heavier and heavier till the pumpkin patch was almost completely covered with snow. "this is never going to work" thought Jack as he started to make a blizzard but before he could do any more a small jack-o-lantern about the size of a tennis ball landed near his leg and then exploded, knocking him back across the pumpkin patch making him stop the blizzard.

"what do you think you are doing!" said an eerie whisper like voice but still manages to sound commanding and and loud. Looking up Jack found himself staring back at the never-ending pit of darkness that belongs to the jack-o'lantern face. "s-s-sorry a-about this," stutters Jack getting the chills from staring at the eyes of Death. "about wha" asked Death but was cut of by being snatched in a bag and thrown through a portal.

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