The End of The Start

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It was a chilly night when this happened, Evie Embers has just finish tucking her younger sister Elenor in bed for the night. Evie, unlike other girls, had no parents to rely on. Abandoned when she was only 5 years old with a newborn in the middle of the woods. That day she promised to give her younger sister the best life possible. For 2 years she spent in the woods with her sister, made a treehouse in the trees. Of course she knew where the village was as she often visited and stole her sister many fine things such as clothes, food, toys, books and once even a tiara belonging to a rich merchant. She stole her sister so much things that to anyone's point of view her sister would be greedy and would take things for granted, but this was not the case with Elenor, she knew what the conditions they were living in and knew the punishment for stealing. Elinor found this down the hard way when she tried to steal something for her sister in return for what she had done for her. She was caught and was sentenced to 50 whips to the back, enough to end her life. Evie, seeing no other way, pleaded to take the punishment instead of her sister. Elenor could still remembers the screams of her sister that day and promised herself to be just like her sister, minus the stealing. When Evie was ten, she stumble upon a cave, but this was no ordinary cave, this caved was filled with riches, stolen by someone greedy whose skeleton was later found near the treasure. knowing what this meant, Evie gathered all the treasure and went to the village.

Now age 11, Evie has made life the paradise for her little sister, spoiling her with clothes and riches, but careful not to spend too much. They became well known in the village as the riches girls in the village. Many people tried to befriend Evie but she always turn them down, not trusting anyone but her sister. By age 14 Evie had many people in the village wrapped around her finger. Got a very high paying job and known for her kindness. These time were dark and were usually plagued by fear and nighmares. During these times Evie helped the village children by making them laugh and get over their fears. When Elenor, Evies sister, started having her own nightmares of her parents leaving her and never loving her. 

Elenor feeling very protective lit a candle in her bedroom, claiming it would protect her from the dark. The very next day Elenor was bristling with excitement saying that Evie took her nightmares away to other childrens. They and their parents went to see Evie too in help for a cure for this nightmare that plagued their homeland. When they went to see Evie for help she stated that laughter kept the nightmares away and that light also does the same. The children were puzzled by this and asked what to laugh at. Evie took a moment to think then suddenly said the nightmares. At this the children cried saying they weren't brave enough. Evie told the children that they would scare the nightmares away and laugh at that. "How?" asked Elenor looking at her sister as if she was a goddess. "we dress up of course!" replied Evie with a huge smile on her face. That night, on the 31st of October, all the villages people dressed up as scary monsters and set a bonfire in the middle of town to scare away the nightmares wile they laught and joked all day. This was how Halloween first started. 

Now turning 16 and living happily in their homes Evie and her sister, who was now aged 11, got ready for bed, wishing each other a good night sleep not knowing of the stranger that lurks nearby. Now, on Evie's Birthday the 31st of October, at 12 oclock after the yearly celebration, a stranger was breaking into the house, having asumed that after the bonfire that the sisters would be too exhausted to wake up. Evie however, having to survive in the woods for a decent amount of her life was quick to act, grabbing a pocket knife and dashing into her sisters room. Elenor was so afraid something might happen to then so then Evie took her to the closet and told her not to come out untill it was over. As the stranger crept up to the room he found that the sisters were nowhere to be found so he quickly locked all the doors and windows of each room he searchs so that they won't escape. While Elenor was hiding in the closet, Eevie was just hanging outside the window when the man broke in. it was silent for a moment when suddenly Evie heard Elenor scream, indicating to Evie that the man has found her sister. Not taking a moment to hesitate Evie flung herself from the window's ledge and yanked her sister from the mans grasp. Suddenly, the man lunged forward holding a knife, trying to stab her younger sister when Evie intercepted the movement, getting herself stabbed instead of her sister. Elenor gasped loudly in horror, while the man looked fearfully at Evie knowing full well that he wouldn't get away with this. Taking the moment from the mans shock, Evie quickly held the mans head and slit his throat with her hidden pocket knife.

The man fell over dead, after a minute Evie too fell over. Elenor lets out a blood-curdling screamed for her sister, catching the attention of the villagers who rushes to the scene.

"No, No, this is all my , please don't leave me!" cried Elenor clutching on to Evie tightly, "please don't" she sobbed for her sister desperately. "I won't be gone forever," choked out Evie "i'll live on," she says "in here" Evie says touching her sisters heart. "It won't be the same" cried Elenor as many villagers gather around them in their house to cherish their last moment with the villages most beloved girl. "hey," says Evie smiling slightly, "promise me something?" "anything!" her sister cries. "always be brave for me okay, and keep that smile on your face, I don't want you sad. Laugh and live on for me okay, don't be afraid of the dark, there will always be light, got it?" Evie says smiling softly at her sister. "okay" says Elenor with a small smile. "this goes for all of you too," says Elenor to the towns people who nodded and agrees while too trying not to cry. "I love you" says Evie as her breathing faints. "I love you too, I love you so much, thank you for taking care of me when our parents left us, Thank you for giving me a better life, thank you for being there for me," sobs Elenor hysterically. "Your welcome," smiled Evie softly before her eyes closed and she started drifting off.

//////  later Evie's Pov  /////

I'm in a dark place, in between reality and not, I can't see anything or do anything so I start remembering all those cherished moments between my sister and I. when suddenly I see a figure walking towards me, he was dark and wore a black robe. "i am Death" he says quietly but clearly. "You are Lillith Raven Death, your purpose is to collect souls from the living and pass them on to me, you center is bravery," he says before disappearing. "wait I have questions!" I shout after him but he is gone. A few minutes later another figure appears out of nowhere "I am Mother Nature, your name is Autumn Harvest the spirit of Autumn, your job is to bring the season Autumn, your center is laughter," she says softly and almost lovingly before disapearing like Death. I just stay a moment trying to figure out what they just told me before I felt a vacuum sensation and I was swept away into the real world.

I opened my eyes, "your name is Eve Hallows the spirit of Halloween," says something, I look around for a while before I knew it was the moon who was saying those things. The moonlight shined on me again. "what is this! you have other powers gifted to you by Life and Death, I told them not to make guardians, Forgive me child, you are too strong for your own good, you must be removed," says the moon. It took me a minute to figure out what he meant but when I did I refuse to let go of life (again). The moon light shown of me and I felt a sucking sensation that left like it was pulling my soul. Not letting go of life, I pulled back, this went on for sometime tiring me out but soon the moon gave up. "Fine, you may live but for your own sake your center is balance and do asks if you have any problems or questions, I will be keeping an eye on you," M.I.M says before going quiet again.

That was a long time ago, I have watched the guardians work and protect children, even messed with some of them for a laugh. [cause I will go crazy (dark) without it] I have watched Pitch and some other guardians rise and fall and so have seen all of their battles in between. Most old spirits and guardians know of me as the most feared and powerful spirit. I literally control darkness, a gift from Death, as in being and making things dark and scary as well as keep all things dark and scary at bay. Usually I don't involve myself with the dark or light unless they provoke me. (almost killed pitch one time for trying to scare me, he stays way out of my way now) I can also fly since i have wings, gift by Life(Mother Nature) and have a scythe and little jack-o-lantern bombs and a bunch of other weapons that you will find out in the future.

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