Chapter 10 : Closer

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*Jongin POV*

April 26
The day we both confessed to each other and today is gonna be our first date. Is this a dream? . I fixed my hair and and took a second to look at myself in the mirror.

"So you're just gonna smile at yourself all day?". I turned around to find Taemin watching me while smirking. I didn't notice I was actually staring at the mirror for quite some time. He knew where my mind was actually at. "Shut up Taemin". I quickly grabbed my backpack and my phone that was still charging.

"Bye I'm leaving for class now" I smiled at Taemin and made my way out. While I was walking to class someone suddenly put their arm around my shoulder. I turned to the owner of the hand and found a smiling Chanyeol.

"Heyy" he smiled at me and I returned it with an awkward smile. Yes I'm still not used to this tall yoda. "So you guys dating now huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows which made him look dumb.

"Uhmm.. Yes" I tried to smile back. Tried. But that didn't seem to make him go away. "So did he tell you or-" . "Yes he did and he's fine with it" I tried to speed walk but Chanyeol stopped with his arm. His arm was muscular tho.

This time his face looked serious "I just wanted to say thank you because you actually brought back my friend to his normal self. And that makes me really happy for him but- . He looked down to the ground and muttered out quietly but it was loud enough for me to hear.

"Dissapointing for me as his best friend for all this years but remained helpless" he stayed silent for two seconds before realizing the silent moment and quicky broke it with his bright smile. "But- thank you Jongin" he smiled and walked away.

But I quickly grabbed his arm before he left. "I don't know if you might notice this but you're also one of the reasons why there is a smile on Kyungsoo's face and I want to thank you too Chanyeol". Chanyeol looked surprised for a second and soon he was grinning widely.

~ Time skip after class~

I walked back to my room as I still had time to buy till 8pm. Yes our planned date. Actually I wouldn't mind going to meet Kyungsoo now but he has some assignments to complete. Sad right.

The walk to my room was peaceful until I could hear footsteps that were getting louder and it felt like it was someone running towards me from my back. Before I could even turn around a small hand managed to grab my neck.

And I was face to face with Baekhyun. I was surprised as I was not expecting him. Baekhyun looked like he was shy. "Uhmm hi Kai" and he cleared his throat to try to not make it look awkward.

But I did not feel awkward because we've been getting along due to the same classes we attend. "Hi Baek" I smiled back at him and ushered  him to go on. Baekhyun remained silent and he looked like he was deep in thought.

He finally spoke up after a good 5 seconds. "Uhmm.. I was just wondering like if you.. Uhmm.. I mean like are you guys close ?" And he looked satisfied after managing to ask that question.

But I was confused. "Uhmm.. Close to who?" Baekhyun's eyes widened and he slapped his forehead. "I'm sorry I forgot to mention.. Uhmm I meant Chanyeol" he looked down while scratching his neck.

"Well not really but is there anything you need I can tell him". "NONONO" Baekhyun suddenly cut me causing me to flinch and he realized it. "I mean no.. It's okay I was just asking" he said softly and he quickly bid goodbye.

Well that was weird.

I entered my room and slumped on my bed. Should I sleep? My phone beeped right then. I managed to fish my phone out of my pocket while I still layed on my bed. The text message was from my friend Jimin. We share the same dance class.

Jimin : Hyung is Taemin hyung there?
Me : No he's not back yet. Anything?
Jimin : No because he left his jacket at my place yesterday
Me : You can still drop it at my place I'm there now
Jimin : Oh okay sure will be there in 2 mins
Me : Okay

I put down my phone and stared at the ceiling while I waited for Jimin. I don't no why the memory of Kyungsoo crying when he told me about the accident was in my head. The way his tears fell, he was such a strong guy.

*knock knock*

"Hyung?" Jimin's voice came from the other side of the door. "Come in the door is unlocked" I sat up and looked at Jimin that grinned widely at me and brushed his hair, and it fell perfectly back down. Slightly dazed by that, but I managed to remember the point he was here.

"Here you go hyung" Jimin smiled sweetly while handing it to me. "Thank you Jimin-ah, have a seat" I replied and move a little bit so I could give some space for Jimin to sit. He seemed surprised but he returned a warn smile and sat down.

We were talking so long about our dance rehearsal until we totally forgot about the time. I guess we both had a strong passion when it comes to dance. Our coversation got interrupted by Jimin's phone that started ringing.

He quickly picked it up and looked nervous before answering the call.
"Yes, hyung.. Yeah I'll be there soon.. Me ? Uhh.. I'm at my friend's room.. Uhh.." he paused and looked at me for a moment before continuing his conversation on the phone. "Uhh.. Jongin hyung" he gulped. "Yeah.. Okay..okok..... Bye hyung".

He took a deep breath before hitting himself on the forehead. "Jimin-ah what's wrong? Who was it ?" I asked slightly worried. "It was Yoongi hyung, I promised him I would be back early to help him with some assignment. But I totally forgot and it's already 6:30pm. I'm sorry hyung but I gotta go, see you tomorrow in class" he quickly stood up and I soon bid him farewell.

Well is Yoongi hyung that scary ? I mean for Jimin to run out like that after saying bye. I mean I don't really see him talk much and even if he does is just him being savage. I looked at my lockscreen that displayed the time 6:45pm.

Well I should take my bath.

"How do you always manage to look so cute ?" I asked while admiring Kyungsoo who seemed to be flustered by the question. "Yah what are you talking about?" He tried not to laugh while saying that.

"Says the one who always gets attention by everyone in our college" Kyungsoo replied with a smirk. " Yeah but sadly none of their attention works except for yours" I wiggled my eyebrows and Kyungsoo hit my chest playfully while laughing.

"So what you want to eat ?" He looked up cluelessly at me. "Hmm.. Actually I already thought of a place to bring you to" I smiled nervously. "Oh really.. Where is it ?" . "It's a surprise Kyungiee, we will reach there in 5 minutes".


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