Seducing the Seducer chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

Theodore's phone rang, he glanced at the caller ID, "It's mum." He told Daniel before answering. "Hi mum." He listened for a minute, Daniel pretended he couldn't hear the other half of the conversation, "Yeah, I told you earlier, I'm at a friend's house." He rolled his eyes at Daniel who smiled. "Yeah, I know that was a couple of hours ago, but-" he sighed. "Okay, okay, I'll set off. Yeah, okay, bye." He shut the phone. "Mum wants me back home." He grimaced. 

"Tough luck man, looks like I'm gonna win most races." He nodded towards the x-box set up in front of them. 

"Aww no way!" Theodore exclaimed. "That sucks, and I was so close to beating you and all!" 

Daniel smirked. "Gutted." He laughed and jumped out of the way as Theodore made a swing at his arm. "Now, now Theo." He tutted him. "Anyway I came 1st too many times for you to catch me up." 

"No way! Urgh, you're too good at this game. We'll have play something you've never been on next time." 

"Sure, I love a challenge. Do you want a lift back home by the way?" Daniel offered. 

"Um, yeah that'd be awesome." 

They stood up and Daniel lead the way out of the rooms, locking the door on the way out, they descended to ground floor in the lift. Once outside they walked a couple of blocks, and down some streets Theodore wouldn't have even noticed if Daniel hadn't been showing him the way.  

After a couple of minutes more walking, they turned around a final corner and were faced by a large metal gate, slightly rusty looking yet, as they approached Theodore saw cameras following them from shadowed roofs. Daniel unlocked the gate and they walked through. From then on, everything looked a lot newer and weirdly space-age as they passed through a low garage door, headed down a slope and through another door, both locked by complicated looking keypads and they were followed all the way by the blinking red lights of cameras. Daniel grinned at him, "Not what you were expecting, huh?" He asked. 

Theodore shook his head. "I am now majorly intrigued as to what's down here that needs so much stuff to keep it safe!" 

"CCTV, keypads, fingerprint reader," he jumped up and down, "weight gauge, even an infrared sensor." He winked, "I give you," he pushed open the door, "my garage." 

Theodore walked in and his mouth dropped open. On the other side of the door was a room filled with about 30 cars. "Oh my God." Theodore's eyes opened wide as he read off the different makes of car; Lamborghini, Porsche, Mercedes, Aston Martin, BMW, Jaguar... "Dan...woah." Theodore's eyes slowly wandered to the back of the room, where he spotted a car he certainly recognized, "Daniel, is that, is that what I think it is?" 

Daniel burst out laughing, "Oh your face Theo!" He exclaimed. "I hardly ever show anyone all of these." This was true enough. He wondered briefly why he felt he could trust Theodore. "Oh man, your expression is priceless. Yes, yes it is the Veyron, that is, it is if I read your mind right." He watched as Theodore approached the blue and black car. 

"If I asked if you can drive me home in this, what would you say?" 

"Um, no." Daniel smiled at his disappointed yet unsurprised face. "You don't have to stand back from it, it doesn't bite, it's only a car." 

Theodore spun to face him, "Only a car! Daniel you have the fastest and probably most expensive car in the world in your crazy underground garage!" He gazed around, "You probably have the second and third fastest too. Now I get what all the security thingies are for." He let out a slow breath. 

"Yeah, okay, great. Now just pick one and lets get going." He swung his arm around the room. 

Theodore paled, suddenly daunted, "What? Just, just pick one?" 

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