Bad boy in love

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Bad boys, we gotta love em. They're mean, rude, some are even players, but what really makes a bad boy bad? Does he even fall In love? well let's find out. Are ya ready? yea you are, so let's begin.

Step 1

~find your victim

"Yo Zander! Did u see the new girl dude?" he eagerly ran up to me, and put his arm around my shoulders. Riley had always held a rather exaggerated smile, but still, he seemed more excited than usual as turned me in her direction.
I sighed "yea, so what?" my words, simply, blandly, and bluntly poured out in a blaze of carelessness, "she's just another victim," I added.
Riley looked up at me, his eyes begging with a whiny look he often gave me, "awe c'mon man! leave some for the rest of us!" He yelled.
Riley had always been a friend of mine. For as long as I could remember, he'd always be there with me. He had long black hair that often fell over his eyes, and covered the emerald glow they gave off. He had a solid facade that held up his pride and covered old wounds with a depressing smile- "depressing," i might add, for those of us who know of him, and of his life.

He suddenly pushed the dark strings of hair from his sight,"give a guy a break, zan!"

 "no way, target found" I laughed messing up his hair, and walking up to the new girl: "Rihanna Mato," I recall being her name. I walked coolly, avoiding eye contact with everyone else, and shooing away two friends of hers. I looked deep into her blue eyes and watched her black hair flow down her shoulders "hey babe," the flirting began as her locker shut at my will. I drew her against it, a common cliche i found was more effective than people knew. "how bout it? me and you, 3:30 today.I'll meet you in front of the school, don't be late. see ya later." I digressed, and smoothly transitioned. I walked away, and as i did so, the patter of light, quick steps caught my attention, "target captured" with a sly curve of the lips, I turned around to see Rihanna's face only inches away.

She was a little out of breath, pushing more people out of the way to face me properly, "I don't know how u introduce yourself, but that sure as hell was a bad way to do it." She looked me strait in the eye.
"and I should care why?" I raised my right eye brow and smirked
"u just asked me out" she tilted her head a bit.
"don't tilt ur head, ur not a dog- although ur not far from it. How do u even know I'm asking u out? For all I care I could be pulling a prank on u." I laughed, causing Rihanna's offended and angry expression to form as she stormed off unexpectedly... "what the hell just happened?" My mind went blank as I walked back to Riley
"u mad, or naw?" Riley teased as he patted my back
"shut up! she'll fall for me in no time, no sorry bitch is gonna turn me down" I replied as I sat down next to my locker
"whatever u say man" Riley replied, then the bell rang "let's go, time for English" he added.
"naw I'll just skip class again, I'm not in the mood"

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