Chapter 28

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(Maxon's POV)
Today the English family is coming over for the banquet that Kriss and America arranged. Of course, my parents are making me attend every single banquet, so I'm going today. I get in my nicest tuxedo and go down to the banquet hall. There, I see Kriss, America, and Silvia frantically setting up the last minute details. All the people from the castle who were invited to the banquet start to arrive, too. I see America take a deep breath and then talks to Kriss. Kriss nods and says something to her back. America then runs out of the room. Kriss walks over to me and smiles.
"How are you doing today?" She asks.
"Very well, thanks. I bet your banquet with America is going to be awesome!" I encourage her. Kriss nods and says,
"America went out to help bring the food over here." I nod and take a seat where my name is located. (They have name tags on the table) My parents are sitting on both sides of me. People start to take their seats, and then the English walk in as America comes in with the food. An English person licks their lips when they see the food. I hold back a laugh. Once everybody is seated, I see that the orchestra is preparing to play. My dad nods at me.
"This is nice," he says. I turn back to the orchestra and see that Kriss and America are heatedly talking about something. Eventually, America gives in and grabs a violin. Wait... Is she playing?!? The music starts to play and dinner goes well. America only plays the violin in the first song. Afterwards, everybody is dancing. I'm about to ask America to dance, but then I see that she's talking to Aunt Adele. Kriss is talking to some English woman. Someone taps my shoulder and I whip around.
"Maxon!" The queen of England says. Before I can even respond, she embraces me in a hug. I stand there awkwardly. She eventually pulls away and says,
"So how's the Selection going?" I nod and say,
"Great! I think I already know who I want to marry." I'm pretty close with the English family, so I feel like I can tell them anything.
"Really? Who is that?" She asks. I nod toward America who is currently laughing with the English queen's daughter.
"That's nice. I met her earlier. She seems like a good person for you." I agree. The rest of the day goes by pretty fast. The banquet was amazing and you could tell the English really enjoyed it. My parents and I agree that that was the best banquet so far..


(5 Days Later)
Now that all of the banquets are finished, my parents asked me to consider the girls that I'm going to eliminate. After all of the banquets, my entire family agreed that America and Kriss's was the best. So, I was asked to keep those 2 if I wanted to. Of course I did. Right now, my parents are discussing the winter ball that they want to hold for everyone at the palace. I asked them why they wanted to plan it so soon, and they told me it was a secret. Of course. As I stare out the window, I start to wonder about my future. If I have a daughter, do I really want to marry her off to a foreign country? My thoughts are cut short when there's a knock at the door.
"Prince Maxon?" I can tell that it's my maid, Allie.
"Yes?" I respond.
"Your presence is requested in the Ladies' Room," she says. I wonder if my parents are having me come down to do the eliminations before dinner. Hmmm. I run downstairs and to the Ladies' Room. When I get there, I see that my mother is the only one there.
"Maxon, dear, how are you?" I try not to chuckle at her. She never calls me dear so I know that she's trying to get something out of me.
"Yes, mother, what would you like?" I ask. She smiles and says,
"Who are you planning on eliminating?" This wasn't a hard question for me. I'd already known this a week ago.
"The girls that I'm keeping are America, Kriss, Elise, Natalie, and Marlee." My mom's eyebrows shoot up.
"You're getting rid of Celeste then, huh? Thank God. She was starting to get on my nerves." At that, I burst out laughing and nod vigorously.
"I couldn't take her either, mom." At that moment, a girl walks in. Celeste.
"Speak of the devil," my mother mutters.
"Literally," I tell her. She bursts out laughing and walks out of the room. Celeste comes next to me and purrs,
"Soo... You're doing eliminations tonight?" She asked, even though it was obvious she knew the answer.
"Yes," I say, rather uncomfortably.
"Why don't you sit down?" I ask her. It came out sounding more like a command.
"But Maxon-" She purred again. Ew. I'm so glad I'm doing eliminations tonight.
"Just. Sit." I say. At that moment, another girl decides to walk in. Thank goodness. Soon all of the girls and my parents are here, sitting at their seats. I stand up, and all of the girls tense up as they know that I'm doing eliminations. America looks over and I catch her eye; winking at her. Her shoulders visibly relax.
"As I told you earlier this week, at the end of this project, all but 5 of you would be sent home. So, to keep this brief, the only girls that are staying are Lady Marlee, Lady Kriss, Lady Elise, Lady Natalie, and Lady America." Immediately, sobs fill the room, but the loudest sound is Celeste's scream.
"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" She shrieks and stomps out of the room. And now, I think to myself, the real Elite.

I hope you enjoyed the book! I'm going to start working on The Elite (Where the King is Nice) later, but I might not have it published till tomorrow. I'll let you guys know when it's out. Oh, and btw, the king is going to have a much bigger role in that story.

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