the past

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Last time you and Midoriya were fighting Joey. But the two of you were lucky when the pro hero's came to the rescue and got the two of you back to safety from Joey evil encounter after that you went to recovery girl and now your going to tell everyone what happened to you.

Y/N: well it all started when my Brother and Sister and I stumble on some old drawings from my Grandpa Henry.

Flash back:
Britney: Come back here Alex give that back. Alex: nope. Alice: Alex. Alex: oh come on Alice. Y/N: huh? Hey guys! Look the atic is open. Alex: sweet. Britney: I don't know guy's will Grandpa be mad at us if go in there? Y/N: but he is only told us stories about it. Alex: yeah. Britney: well ok. After searching the place you found a big trunk of your Grandpa Henry old sketches of Bendy, Boris and Alice. Y/N: hey guys Look at theys. Alex: oh wow that's so cool it's you Alice. Alice: oh stop. Britney: hey Boris look a poster of you. Boris: yup. Y/N: pffft* hahaha. Bendy: what? Y/N: you now Bendy you look kinda good in a tutu hahaha. Bendy: oh come on why did Henry kept this awful drawing of me. Alice: I don't know I think you look kinda cute in a tutu Bendy. Henry: what are you three doing here? Y/N, Alex, Britney, Bendy, Alice and Boris: Grandpa! Henry! Henry: Y/N let me see that. Y/N: here Grandpa. Henry: well I haven't seen this draw in years, come along children let me tell you my stories when I was working on Silly studios.

2 hours later.

Henry: and that's how I left the studio Britney: wow Alex: so is the studio still there? Henry: yes but I advise you don't go there? Y/N: why Grandpa? Henry: because the place is old dear.
Y/N: oh. But You and Alex looked at each other with a face that says we're up to no good. And after two weeks of planing You and Alex went two the studio.

Y/N: so this it right. Alex: yup let's go. Y/N: right behind you. Alex opened the door. You and Alex: wow. Alex: so cool. Y/N: and creepy. Alex: don't tell me your scared. Y/N: me! Scared I'm not scared. Alex: yeah right. Alice: Alex! What on earth are you two doing here? Alex: oh come on Alice were only going to explore the place so relax. Y/N: yeah and besides the place is abandon so there nothing to worry about. Bendy: but still you two should not be here. Y/N: not you to Bendy. Alex: relax guy's we're only going to look around and go right back home and just like I side the place is abandon so nothing is going to happe..... ??????: ROOOAAAAR!
you, Alex, Bendy, and Alice: Aaaaaah!

Britney: hahaha! Got ya. Y/N and Alex: Britney! Alice and Bendy: Brois! Y/N: Britney what the hell! Britney: I shouldn't known you two were going to be here. Alex: but that doesn't mean you have to scare us half to death with you ink transformation. Britney: whatever Alex. Now let's go home before we get in trouble. Alex: in trouble with who? Britney. Britney: oh my God Alex. Y/N: yeah Britney. Britney: not you to. Y/N: come on Sis where is your sense of adventure. Boris: come on Britney let them have their fun. Britney: sigh* ok fine but if it gets creepy I'm out of here. Y/N: ok. Alex: Britney and Boris joins the party. Britney: oh shut up. The three of you walk around the studio for a while, But Alice, Boris and Bendy we're feeling very anxious. Alice: Alex I want to leave. Alex: why Alice? Alice: because I get the feeling that we're being watch. Alex: ok just this door then we go home ok. Alice: ok. Alex grabbed the door knob and opened the door and what they saw was something truly terafaing. Y/N: c-c-c-c
Alex and Britney: coffin! Britney: that's it I'm out of here! Alex and you: wait for us. You and your older Brother and Sister where dashing back to the exist. Y/N: aaaah! Where the exit! Alex: don't worry where almo....... Creeeek* ...... Bam*
You, Alex and Britney: aaaaaaah! The floor gave way due to the running. Alex: Alice! Alice: right. Alex used his ink quirk and morphed with Alice.

Alex spreads out his wings made out white ink and grabbed you and Britney and he started to fly in order to land on the ground safely. Alex: are you two ok? Britney: yes. Y/N: yeah Thanks to you and Alice. Alex turned back to normal. Alice: ugr* Alex: Alice are you ok? Alice: yes it's just I force my magic a bit But I'll be ok. Alex: be more careful Alice I don't want you to hurt your self ok. Alice: ok Y/N: were are we? Britney: I don't know But I don't like this. Bendy: look a door maybe a way out. The three of you went through the door and went down some staircase And when the three of you reached the final door you and you Brother and Sister saw the most disturbing and shocking thing ever. Britney: a.... A pentergram
Alex: What the hell. Bendy: arg* aaaaaah! Y/N: Bendy! Alice: Aaaaaaah! Alex: Alice what's wrong? Boris: aaaaaaah! Make.... That....highpitch ..... Noise...... Stop. Britney: what noi.....
Alex: Britney! Arg* Y/N: Britney, Alex! Are you alr...... Something hit you and before you lost consciousness you heard someone say. ?????: rest your head is time for bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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