Just When You Think You Know Somebody

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A/N This was a story I worte for school. It's not my best work but I'm going to try and publish a few of my other stories here to.. Most are Fanfics but my teacher wasn't so keen on me wiriting one for school and frankly neither was I. that would be sort of awkward.. I'm rambling, so I'm just going to stop now,. Anyways, ENJOY:)

“Mom, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Nate.” Jenny said to her mother signaling to the tall lean boy sitting on the couch next to her. Jenny had never had a boyfriend before but at sixteen she thought she was finally ready for one. Jenny had thought all relationships were meaningless, until now of course. Just as Jenny’s mom was about to speak, her stepfather, Walt, waltzed through the dining room door with a smirk plastered his face. The same smirk that would usually drive Jenny insane, but her spirits were to high to be torn apart by his presence. There was just something about him that seemed “off” to her. She would usually complain about him to her mother but ever since they got married last spring, Jenny’s mother wouldn’t have any of it. She claimed she loved Walt, the man who lived in the same flannel shirt and was seemly much too old for her and couldn't care less, Jenny could never see what about this fat, greasy haired man her mother found so appealing. But for today, she choose to ignore him.

“Nice to meet you, son,” Walt said extending his hand to Nate, but once again interrupting Jenny’s mother. Before given the chance to respond Nate was cut off by Walt, he has a habit of doing that. “What did you say your name was?”

“Nate, Nate Davenport,” Nate responded, slightly nervous. Jenny had never seen him nervous before. She began thinking about how they met, but her daydreaming was cut short when she noticed her step-father’s demeanor completely changing. He went from being an overconfident excuse of a person to an angry man in just a matter of second? Now, Jenny was sure something was wrong.

“Davenport, huh?” he said rather harshly, to which Nate responded with a simple nod, causing Walt to storm out of the room in an instant, leaving them all, especially Nate, baffled.

Jenny’s mother was unable to find any words to defend her husband's previous actions, instead she  settled for a small apologetic smile in Nate’s direction. A few more seconds of awkward silence later, her mother decided to speak up.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Nate. We should do this again,” She offered another small smile, much like the one she had on her face moments earlier, before she decided to speak again, “but maybe next time under different circumstances. Now, let me see what happened to your step-father.” She directed the last part to Jenny. Jenny’s mother politely bid her goodbyes and quickly left the room in search of her angered husband.

An hour later, with still no sight of Jenny’s parents, Nate decided it was time to leave, so Jenny offered to walk him out. As they walked to the door they heard a strangled cry from the mother's bedroom. Out of curiosity, decided to look. To their shock they saw Jenny's mother crying on the mattress alone with a note in her hand and no sight of Walt anywhere. The only thing that seemed out of the ordinary was the wide open window and there were a few things missing in the room. When Jenny and Nate walked through the door her mother sat up abruptly, with blood-shot eyes and her dripping mascara all over her pale face.

"I'm so sorry, but he's gone," She spoke, slightly hoarse. Before the couple had a chance to speak up, Jenny’s mother passed a piece of paper over to them, the same paper she had previously been clutching in her hand.

The letter was written in messy writing and had a few blotches of spilled ink; it was obviously written in a hurry. The letter read:

My dear Elizabeth,

I have found the person I have sought my entire life, and now I want revenge. Now I had to leave to watch my plan proceed from afar where no one could find me. I will stay there until it is safe for me again.  I do care about you, I really do, therefore I would advise you to get as far away from Nate Davenport as possible. The curse will take effect soon.

Your faithful husband,


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