Chapter 3

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A/N Sorry if you don't like these, it would have made more sense to write it all at the begining of the story but whatever. I just wanted to tell you guys that, I know the chapters are short. But guess what? It's a short story, so..

As they entered the forest they began to look for the doctor's house, the heard the doctor lived alone in a tree.

They neared a tree with a note attached to it, it read:

“Press button behind this note.”

Reading that, they were confused but they decided to do what it said because they assumed the letter was from the doctor and it would help them find him. Nate slowly lifted the note off the rough tree trunk, tension building. Not knowing what to expect he pressed the button absent-mindedly.

As soon as he pressed the button an alarm began followed by cages opening in the distance and the dark lord’s voice ringing through their ears.

“So you didn’t listen to me Jenny, what happened next is out of my hands. Consider this a present from me to you. Galobie bugs, irritating little things. try not to get too mad Nate. Enjoy your last few minutes.”  Walt’s voice was deep and evil. This couldn’t be good.

Bugs the size of a fist came lying through the air, once they got close enough they began spitting insults at you.

You're ugly.

You will be like this forever.

Jenny hates you

She will never love you with that face.

Jenny desperately trying to calm him down, if she doesn't do something soon he will become evil, and that's bad news, not just for her but for everyone. With every passing second more and more bugs would appear. Now there were so many bugs present they looked like a wall shielding them from everything around them. They knew they had to escape.

Nate gripped jenny arm tightly, pulling her so she was trailing right behind him as he desperately tried to lead them to safety. With the bugs following close behind, they didn't have many options but when Jenny spotted a large crack in a tree she began running in that direction and managed to dive right into the hollow tree, being quickly followed by Nate. They sat painfully still until they were sure the bugs were gone. Once they were sure they began to move again and were surprised that the hollow tree was so much bigger than expected. out of curiosity they lit a match to explore further. When there was enough light to see, a sign became visible above Nate's head.

"Welcome to the doctor's house" Jenny slowly read in the dark.

Relief washed through their bodies in an instant but was quickly replaced with curiosity about what was behind the blanket of darkness.

“Who's there? Who's there” A surprisingly loud voice spoke from deep within the tree. a long way away there was a light being carried towards them, as soon there appeared an old man, wrinkled and worn. Nate and Jenny knew that he was the doctor.

“Doctor? We need help.”

About 3 hours of talking and research about what was happening to Nate, the doctor had a solution. They would find the most unholy body and withdraw the holy salvation. Nate and Jenny remained extremely confused. the doctor explained that the most unholy body in this case would be The Dark Lord, and the holy salvation; his blood.

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