Chapter 2

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A/N Even though I wrote this story and published the entire thing in one day, I would still really appreciate it if you guys would add it to your library and if not then please just vote or something.. :) Thanks

Jenny read the note in disgust but at the same time a million thoughts raced through her mind. Why did Walt posses such an interest in Nate? What is going to happen? But most importantly what curse? She was still holding the letter when it occurred to her to turn it around. Once seeing what the letter had clipped to it, she began to feel light-headed. Behind the handwritten letter was a clip out from a newspaper, the article was a "WANTED" sign looking for the Dark Lord of Ravenswood, with a hand drawn picture of walt underneath . Suddenly, it all made sense. Walt was not actually the Walt we thought we knew but in fact he was the Dark Lord; a potential killer.  


Later that day, Jenny decided that Nate should be taken to the witch doctor, before any signs of the curse appear, but Elizabeth was not happy with that idea, she demanded that Jenny run away with her instead and leave Nate alone to figure out his fate. However being blinded with her love for that boy, Jenny couldn't let that happen.


Following the long discussion, Jenny and Nate were on their way to the witch doctor, leaving Jenny's grieving mother behind. The journey will be long, for it is far beyond the jungle. No one had ever seen the witch doctor before, so to most people it was a myth and going out to find him would be a risk, but they had to try something.


After walking a long time, the sun began to set and the wind became brisk as the darkness took over the light. So the couple took out their night supplies and laid face up on their blankets staring into the vast sky which was sprinkled with uncountable stars. As a light rain began to fall, they fell into a deep slumber.


Jenny woke up at dawn. The sun barely had risen and the birds almost had awoken. The grass glistened in the new light, still moist from the night before. She leaned over to her companion that was now laying face down. She shook his arm until he began to move, signaling he had woken up.


She let out a shriek, so loud birds were flying out of their nests in fright.  She remained still, petrified as Nate slowly began approaching her in confusion.


"What's wrong?" He asked sleepily


"You-you're f-f-face!" she was barely able to mutter the words in her current state of shock.


He slowly raised his fingers to touch his face, but he quickly dropped his hands as they felt an unfamiliar surface.


"It's the curse" he thought to himself as he hurriedly ran towards a large puddle of still water in the grass. Catching a glimpse at his face angered him; Half of his face was an ugly color, a mix between red and black. His face looked stony and rough instead of the smooth pale skin he had on the other side, giving his face a very strange contrast. His eyes changed from bright blue to a dark black. He resembled the demons and devils from the fairy tales they would read as kids.


He stood up. Getting more furious by the second.


"You're stepfather did this! You dragged me into this!" He raged at Jenny who, by this point, was already in tears.


As Nate angrily ran off to take another look at himself again, he noticed his face shifted he was now entirely transformed, not a single trace of human left. He suddenly switched moods, he became saddened at the sight and realization that it wasn't Jenny's fault and he had just blamed her for it. As his moods shifted so did his appearance. When he calmed himself down he went back to being half human instead of being entirely demon. He notice that his face transformed when he was mad and went back to partly demon afterwards, but with each passing minute another inch if his face changed. Even in his happiest mood. This is the curse. His will become a demon inside and out if we don't find the witch doctor in 48 hours. This curse had never been more than a myth to everyone at the village, now it was a reality.


With this sudden realization Nate ran over to jenny and grabbed her hand, she winced at the sudden contact, clearly scared. He apologized and explained everything and within the hour they were on their way again.


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