As some of you may or may not know, Newt.....dies *sobs to myself* in the third book of the maze runner trilogy. He dies due to the fact that he is not immune to the Flare, he catches it, becomes partly Crank and then Thomas kills him.
Look, I get it that Thomas killed him because Newt asked him to and I get it that he couldn't see his friend in pain, but still, couldn't it have been someone less important?
It does seem that James Dashner kills off our favourite characters, for example, Chuck...poor little Chuckie :(
After all the things that Newt has been through (The Scorch, The Maze Trials, almost committing suicide by jumping off of a maze wall and never finding his sister or even finding out that he had one, saving people's lives, etc.) and he still dies at the end of it. Just, like, wow. It's almost like none of it was worth it in the end.
Why create such a perfect character if you are going to kill him?! For all the fans of Newt, it was just, he didn't die, he is still alive, what?? And so on.
Anyone want to share thoughts? Comment down below.
Newt • Maze Runner Talk
RandomJust a fangirl fangirling, ranting and freaking out. NEWT (this book is run by @RosieGarnet23) Cover by @-MOSTGIRLS