Why did Teresa get picked to die next?

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Because she deserved it. She deserved it more than Newt did, anyway. That's my opinion - some of you may know that I loathe Teresa and never did trust her, even before she betrayed them. In The Death Cure (the book) she gets killed off.

She probably died as Thomas knew secretly inside that he could never trust her again, or maybe they were never meant to be and him and Brenda were better off together. It's hard to say. But, she died being crushed which is kind of what she did to the group. She crushed Thomas's heart and belief and trust in others. She crushed the group so they spread out like jam on bread - they were all their own person and didn't work as together as they did in the other books.

The only good thing that came out of her death, was probably the fact that nobody else had to die because of traitors. That's my opinion, anyway. 


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