The Agreement

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Hello my beautiful peoples! This is a new idea I've been working on and so far I feel like its one of my best. I really hope you enjoy this and please please comment giving me advice or anything of the sort.

Aurora sat behind the desk of the head trainer of Willow Acres Stables. He was a tall man of about forty years, his salt and pepper hair showed how stressful his life could be when managing this stable and riding team. He glanced up from the papers and shook his head with a sigh. "Alright Aurora, they decided to let you join, on the condition, that you have to work harder then those who payed to be on. You have to show that you deserve to be here, that you can succeed." He explains to the young woman and she nods frantically "I know Mr. Nichols, and trust me sir. I will try my hardest, I will give it my all." She promised. The mans face broke out into a smile and he leaned across the table putting a hand on top of hers. "I know you will." He said with a wide grin. "Now get out there and get ready to start trying out horses." Lucas Nichols, the head trainer at Willow Acres, watched his newest and most promising student bounce out of the office with a mile wide. "I wish I had that girls energy."

Aurora had practically run out of the office. She skidded down the aisle to a stall that held a dappled grey Irish Hunter mare. Bent over beside the mare, a blonde woman's head was just visible behind the giant animal. "Lindsey!" Aurora practically shouted before remembering where she was and lowering her voice. "I got in!" She declared as her friend stood up and patted the mare on the shoulder. "Amazing, Aurora!" Lindsey congratulated her as she brushed off her hands. "It's going to be so much fun now that your on the team." She cheered as she exited the stall and hugged her best friend. "So what are they gonna do about finding you a horse?" Lindsey questioned as they ambled towards the tack room together.

"I'm actually supposed to be getting ready to try some now." Aurora remember and darted out  to the arena where two of the trainers had selected horses for her to try. First was a light grey Andalusian mare. Immediately after Aurora mounted, the mare lurched forward into a bouncy trot and would hardly listen to Aurora's commands. After getting nearly thrown twice, the trainers moved her on to the next horse. He was a stunning chestnut gelding named Acorn. Aurora had ridden him once before and he had been quite polite but she just didn't have a connection with him. After trying a few more they brought in one of the newer horses at the barn. It was a six year old Frisian stallion. "Aurora, I'm warning you about this one. He is a nightmare to ride." Allison told the woman after handing her the reins. Aurora noted how he pranced in place as she held him still. When she mounted he didn't move, until she gently nudged his sides where he promptly leapt into a wild canter around the arena. Shoving her heels down further, Aurora stood in the saddle and let him canter another round before sitting down and using her seat to slow the stallion. She could tell he was well trained, just very sensitive. After halting him she tried another method, A soft click and the faintest nudge got him into a fast walk which was slowed when Aurora wiggled the reins. With a faint smile, she gave another signal and he moved into a bouncy yet flowing trot. She asked him to extend and he did. She asked him to shorten his stride and he complied with a little buck. Grinning from ear to ear she dismounted and left the reins over his head to see if he'd follow. He did and they walked over to the trainers and waited for their approval. "Well Aurora, there's only been two riders in the barn who could control him. You and Rebecca." Aurora winced at the mention of Rebecca. She was known as the barn bitch and Aurora had had a few run ins with her. "Would you like to make him your mount?" Mr. Nichols asked. Looking up at the horse, Aurora bit her cheek before turning back with a smile. "Yes please." She chirped brightly and reached up to stroke the tall horses muzzle. "Alright, would you please take him back to his stall and care for him?" Allison asked. "Yes ma'am I'm on it." Answered aurora before grabbing the reins and walking him to the stables.

She passed Lindsey and motioned for her to follow the duo. They made it  to the cross ties and Aurora spoke up "This is the horse I will be riding for the team." She beamed as she untacked him, "His name is The King Of Nightmares, or King." Lindsey looked him over "A very good choice. He will definitely be good for you. How does he ride?"

"Well, he is well trained but is very sensitive, when I first got on I tapped him like you would do with pretty much any of  he horses in the barn and he took off around the arena at a canter. After some adjusting to being sensitive, I was able to control him pretty well." Aurora explained as she grabbed some grooming stuff and carefully groomed the large equine before her.

After making sure all of her assigned chores were done, Aurora climbed in her old truck and drove back home to her apartment.  That night she layed in her small bed, listening to the loud neighbors, and the water drip, and for the first time in a while she thought "My life can't get any better." With a smile she drifted off to sleep knowing what awaited her tomorrow.

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