mystical quest-lirry

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Word Count: 6,423

Harry steps to the plane and pauses to look at his ticket, 23B. He looks up to see that it’s towards the back of the plane. He walks and settles to his seat. Luckily, for him it’s a window seat. Harry takes a deep breath and stares out his window. He’s starting a new start, a new path in life. Though he doesn’t want to, he isn’t choosing to start a new life; his parents chose it for him. He’s a prince, his parents sent him away to get married to some stranger because he has to follow tradition. He has to follow orders; he always has to follow orders, ever since he was born into this royal family. Since he was little, he’s always has to obey. He hates how his whole life is planned out right in front of him. He has to get married, have kids, and die. That’s all he sees in life. It seems like he got cheated in life, as he sees the world around him, sees others fall down, get back up, and wonders when their next fall would be. Harry loved the idea, not knowing what would happen next in life, that’s the life he wants, the life he dreams of having.

          Liam paces around his room, back and forth. He knew the marriage was arranged months ago, ever since his parents’ accident. He could have had been a prince for just a little bit longer, if his parents didn’t go out on that stormy night. Every prince has to become a king one day, Liam knew that, but it felt so soon for him, He wasn’t ready to grow up. 'What if he doesn't like me' he thought. He wasn’t much of a love expert, in his teens he would have a couple of relationships but it always seems that he was cause of the relationships falling apart. He doesn’t want that to happen, not now. This isn’t like any relationship, it’s a marriage. He can’t just end a marriage, especially since he’s going to be the King. Liam hates the idea of having a stranger being forced to be with you for your entire life. It lingers in his mind, just the thought of someone being forced to marry him and stick with him for their whole life just didn’t seem fair, it felt cruel, made him feel guilty. There’s a knock on the door. Liam stops and turns around to face the door. “Come in” he yells. It’s one of his advisors, Niall. Niall is the closest thing to a brother for Liam; he seems to always be there for him when he needs it the most. Hell, he’s been there more than his parents ever would have. He walks over to Liam’s closet to pick out his clothes for the day. It’s something Liam always hated about being royalty, having everyone do your work. He hates being treated as a child, but that’s how it’s always been and it’s not going to end soon. Liam just stares at the ground shaking his head. “What’s wrong” Niall asks, He’s in such a rush, moving around everywhere in Liam’s room. Liam wants to talk to him so bad, just let everything out. But he just can’t do it. “Hurry Liam, we don’t have much time, Zayn and I are driving to pick up Prince Harry.”

Harry waits outside of the airport, trying to find his ride. He spots two men, one had blonde hair and eyes blue as the sky above, the other had brown hair and deer like eyes with a bit a facial hair. Both of them were holding signs, Prince Harry Styles. He hated seeing prince in front of his name, why can’t he just be Harry Styles. Why can’t he just be normal like everyone else, there’s nothing special about him, He doesn’t need ‘Prince’ in front of his name, it just gave less meaning to his full name, he just didn’t like it. He walked over to them and introduced himself. “I’m Har- I mean Prince Harry Styles,” Their eyes filled with amazement, they were star struck that they were looking at the actual prince. They immediately bowed down to him. “Oh you don’t have to do that!” Harry bursts out; he looks around seeing crowds of people just staring at him in amazement as well. Harry put his hands behind his neck and just stares at the blue sky, Harry hated being treated differently because of some title, every time people bow down to him just made him feel embarrassed and guilty, he truly feels that he’s not special; he just wants to be a regular person for once. “Prince, let me carry those for you.” the brown haired said. Harry felt bad that others had to do a simple task that he can easily do, but he didn’t want a bad start and just allowed them to take his luggage. The blonde wrapped his arm around the prince, but soon realizes that he shouldn’t be touching the prince as he takes his arm away from him. “You’re going to love it here, everything here is yours, and you’re husband-to-be of course. You guys will be fine.” The blonde kept speaking as Harry soon started to lose interest in what he was saying. They got in the car and started to drive far away from the airport.

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