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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping; It was the first day of Spring! I arose from my bed covers, and crawled out of bed. I got dressed, ate breakfast, and then went outside to get some fresh air. Soon enough Abby came by.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Asked Abby.

"Good, just getting some fresh air!" I exclaimed.

"Mind if I join?" She asked.

"Sure, I don't mind at all." I replied.

Soon after Abby had left, I decided to go inside myself. I went inside and grabbed a glass, and was about to get a glass of water. Then suddenly my sink spouted water right at me, I tried to turn it off but it didn't work. I ran to the phone and called a plumber.

"Hello? Please come quick! My sink is spouting dirty water at me!" I cried.

As my sink settled down. I knew I was going to have a huge water bill.

Knock knock!

"Hello? Hi!" I answered.

"Hi, something about a sink exploding dirty water?" A man asked.

"Yea -yes!" I replied getting embarrassed.

The man got down on his knees and opened the cupboard doors under the sink, to reach the pipes.

"Ma'am, you have a leak in one of your pipes." Told the man, after he had finished tightening one of the pipes.

"But -but, what about the dirty water spouting up at me?" She asked.

"I don't see any signs of a sewer leak coming into your pipes. But I'll send plumber Josh down. He'll know." He told me As he packed up and handed me the bill.

"Thank you!" I told him.

Later that day, the plumber sent the other plumber he told me about, Josh.

"Hi there! I heard there was a leak in one of your pipes and it had been spouting dirty water at you?" He asked.

"Yes, and hi!" I replied nervously.

Later after he had found out it wasn't just my sink, it was my neighbors toilet, that had somehow spouted up to my sink.

"How much?" I asked after he had finished.

"How about for free? You already got a bill from the other guy. So I won't charge you." He told me.

"Thank -thank you, so much!" I cried.

"Your welcome. I've never seen someone so happy when they get it for free." He told me laughing.

"Sorry," I replied."I'm just excited because I have barely any money, and this is just so shocking. Do you want to stay for dinner for this? I can make some soup and beans!" I laughed.

"Sure, I am a little hungry!" He told me as me and went to the kitchen.

Later on every week after that we had supper together. It was amazing. He was such a kind man. Me and him became good friends. Or maybe just maybe, even more than friends!

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