🌷It All Comes Out🌷

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My eyes fluttered open and then all of a sudden I remembered the events of yesterday. I had become Mrs Malhotra and also become unwanted both by my Husband.

But I don't want that to bring me down, I never let go without a try and I know I'll win him back he'll regret it and accept me, once I show him he actually needs and loves me.

I then got up from my bed only to fall back onto it again I then looked down and saw my bandaged foot, well there's no way I could hide it from anyone, I'll just tell them I fell... I'm sure they'll belive it...

I then got ready in a white top and a long floral maxi skirt and wore a simple necklace and put my hair in a loose bun.

And no I'm not one to wear those Salwar kameez on the second day of marriage I like my English clothing plus there's no way I'd be wearing a Salwar kameez on a hot day like this!

I walked down the long spiral stairs, well I say walked but I mean limped. I then 'limped' into the kitchen thinking that Sidharth would still be in bed but to my surprise he wasn't in fact he was sitting at the dining table reading his newspaper and sipping his coffee.

Noticing my presence he put his paper down slightly and glanced at me I then noticed him look at my foot, as he did I'm sure I had seen a glint of guilt in his eyes which then looked into my eyes and stared at me for what felt like a long time.

Unfortunately my phone had to ring and ruin the moment I answered it without checking who it was.

"Hello?" I asked
There was no reply.
"Hellloooo?" I repeated wondering why no one was answering I guessed it was a prank call and was about to cut the line when....
"BOO!" A loud voice shrieked
I then stated screaming and then I heard laughing on the other side.
"Oh my, I got you bad!" Exclaimed a voice.

"Jay?! That's not even funny! I could've had a heart attack!" I shouted
"I won't ever let that happen girlfriend" he said in his flirtatious playboy voice.
"Jay! How many times do I have to say don't call me that!" I exclaimed back, all this boy does is make me shout!

"Areh, fine, fine, how are you? Sorry I missed your wedding but you know how my mum was in the hospit-"
I cut him off "yeah of course,don't worry,I know you would've come especially to tease me!" I said

"You got that right, girlfriend! Hey I got a surprise for you!!" He said getting me interested
"Surprise, for me?!" I exclaimed getting happy
"Haah, I'm coming to visit you and your new Hubby!" He shouted cheerfully.

I was silent. If he comes how would Sid react? Would he even let me have a friend here, let alone a friend which is a boy?!
"Shradds? Where are you??" He questioned
"Yeah, I'm here, actually how about I come meet you?"
"Nonsense I wanna come meet your husband too!"

"Umm...voh," I didn't know what to say
"Actually we're not going to be home today" I said looking at Sid who before, when the call started stopped paying attention to me, had now put his full attention on me.

"Shraddha, I know when u lie!" Jay said.
"I'm coming weather you like it or not, see you in two hours girlfriend! Byeeee!"
Well it looks like Jay is coming to meet me... and Sidharth. I looked at Sid.
"Urm, my friend is coming to meet us, sorry he insisted that he comes he really wants to meet yo-" I had been cut off by him.

"I don't really care." He said coldly
I don't know how I'm going to deal with this, especially since he got a whole week off work for the wedding!

🌷🌷🌷2 Hours later 🌷🌷🌷

I had all the good prepared and ready for Jay and just on time I heard the door bell I then walked into the porch to open the door just when I saw Sidharth coming down in his casual - posh suit.... I think I must've been drooling over him!

"Why don't I get the door and you go clean your drool." He said
"What...oh yeah, no, I'll get the door" I said clearly embarrassed. We opened the door to be greeted with a wide grin and a massive hug!

"Heyyyy! Arwh the happy couple!" Jay exclaimed.
"Urm..hey Jay, this is my hus- Urm this is Sidharth." I said not wanting to say he's my husband just in case he'd get angry at me.
"Oh, so you're the one Shraddha left me for?" Jay queried
Sidharth had a confused look painted on his face.

"What?!" He exclaimed
"No, Jay doesn't mean that, it's just a joke he calls me his girlfriend because of this only high school joke, we weren't really together!" I said defending myself
"Ouch,that's hurts!" Jay said laughing while putting his hand on his heart.
"Well you both go sit down and I'll bring in the food." I said smiling.

I bought in the food and they both had it happily well Jay did but Sidharth..... not so much all he had was a little bit of rice and that was it. Maybe he didn't like it...
Soon the topic of high school girlfriends and boyfriends had been bought up and Jay obviously had to talk about mine...
"Yh, you should of seen Shraddha and Ajay they were inseparable!" Jay said
"Really!" Sid said getting really interested while glaring at me, why though?

"That reminds me Shradds why did you breakup, where did her go?" Jay questioned. His question brought tears in my eyes as I remembered what happened.

"You know he's back in town!" He exclaimed
"What....H-he is?" I stammered hoping it wouldn't be true
"Umm, I need to go check on the desert I'll be back" I said with a shaky voice
I then ran into the kitchen and stated crying just then I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Jay.

"Hey, what happened? You ok?" He asked soothingly.

"Sorry,I'll get the desert now" I said ignoring him. I then walked into the dining room to see Sidharth wasn't there anymore I placed the desert down and hurriedly started tidying up while sniffling.
"Shraddha!" I ignored him again and carried on
"SHRADDHA!" he shouted shaking me

A glass then slipped out of my hands and then shattered, that was when I let it all out ; I cried in front of my best friend, which I don't think I've ever done before.

"Hey,hey what's the matter, did someone do anything, was it something I said? Did Sidharth do anything? If he did you can tell me I'll kill him!" He exclaimed.
"No, no it's n-not him..." I stammered
"Then what?"
"Oh,it's because I brought up the topic about Ajay, right?"
At this point I got annoyed!
"Don't say his name in my presence!" I shouted
"What, Shraddha, I thought you were civil after your breakup?" He was confused
"NO! NO! NO!" I shouted
"You don't understand!" I then collapsed onto the floor wailing with tears screaming.

"What is it Shraddha, what don't I understand?" He kept shaking me and shaking me asking me if I'm okay, what's the matter, was it him, was it Sid, what doesn't he understand, until I got fed up with it and shouted


Next there was silence. Jay pulled me out of the hug and looked at me confused.
"Ajay?" He asked I then looked down which then answered him.
"That idiot, I'll kill him!" He shouted
"No, you can't if he comes to know that I told you who knows what he will do, he might actually do it agar -ain!" I stammered

"No, don't say that, I won't say anything for your sake but you need to do something to sort it out because if you don't, I may have to... are you going to tell Sidharth?" He asked I immediately looked up "No, he cannot find out about this, promise me you won't tell anyone if not for our friendship at least for my dignity, please!" I pleaded crying while folding both my hands in front of him.

"No, don't beg, I'm your friend you don't even have to ask twice I just don't want you to bottle up your feelings make sure to talk to someone and that someone doesn't have to be me it can be your husband." Just then I remembered Sidharth I can't tell him anything about this it will make him hate me even more than he does now!


So what do you think?

I'm not going to be leaving these notes all the time at the end of my books only because I want this to be like an actual one not like an authors vlog😂😂

Hope you all liked it happy ready reading 💗

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