Meezin wiz deemonz

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Oh boy three updates in a day I'm on a roll.

Anyway the DankHamilSquad™ rushed to the Super Secret Specsavers Dungeon.
"Alright Hannah Montaña where the fuck is the  book to reborn kids?" Asked Alex. Korina had all the dead bodies in a car she nicked from a man who she may or may not have killed. Hannah Montaña woke up.
"Alright calm down. It's here," the Spanish Mountain popped out a book open in the correct page. Oh boy that saved a lot of time.

Theo picked up the book and slipped in in a FANNY PACK. Sorry I just needed to put a fanny pack in her somewhere. The DankHamilSquad™ legged it out of Specsavers and into the stolen car.
"Wait for meeeee," shouted a familiar voice. It was Little Jimmy, who moody liked! He hopped into the car and ripped his face off, revealing one of Alex's kids.
"Son?" Said Alex.

Long story short Alex had an affair with the Queen and had a few kids. Apparently Little Jimmy, who nobody liked was one of them.
"Yeah," he said "also my name is Agent Gerald. I work with the CIA. And I was sent here to investigate you."
"We haven't got time for this," said Ash. They chucked Little Jimmy, who nobody liked, who is Agent Gerald out of the car. "Drive!"

Korina sped the car across the road. When a PoPo tried to catch up with them she used her weird plot convenient glow to distract them. Well done Korina!

When they arrived at the school they all legged it into Chad's English classroom. Alex took the Book Of Demon Spells And Shit out of the fanny pack. Bee, Doll and Chad threw the tables away, clearing a space in the middle of the room to draw the demon circle thing. Because Philip is a great artist they got him to draw it.

Once Philip was over Korina spoke up.
"Remember when You said that someone had to sell their soul?" He DankHamilSquad™ nodded "well, the Book of Demon Spells and Shit says that the person who draws the thing has to sacrifice their soul."
"Eh," said Philip "what harm can it do?" Then he started chanting the spell. Also the bodies were packed in the middle. Maybe that wasn't the best idea.

Anyway they started glowing and the lights started flickering angrily. Then a figure appeared above the corpses.
"Heyyyyy," It said "I'm Jeffifer the demon who you need to do the soul trade deal with. Can I have the soul?"
"Yeah sure," Philip said. But before Jeffifer could consume the soul he noticed Korina.
"Oh dear," he said cryptically. Korina looked worried, as if he was going to reveal a big secret. Then Jeffifer ate the soul and fucked off back to hell.

"That was ea-" Philip said and then he fainted.
"He's got to get used to life without a soul. It's hard at first but you get used to it," Korina said. Hmmmmmmmmmm. That sounds suspicious. But nobody questioned it.

Then, while everyone was waking up (Eliza an Alex-two were hugging each other) the headmaster walked in.
"And here's the class of our wonderful English teacher Miss Usepunctuationorillshank-" Mr D'Ick started and then noticed the DankHamilSquad™ doing their demon shit "CHANDLERS. DETENTION."
"Oh fuck no," said Diggs.

The DankHamilSquad™ go to a shit British SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now