43: War

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They rode as fast as the wind back to Irkalla. Try as she might, Delilah couldn't guess what Dante was thinking.

Her heart was already pounding, and she kept expecting to hear the muffled tramp of many feet in the distance, although she knew the armies were miles away.

The sight of Irkalla's stone tunnel was a relief. They rode inside and walked the rest of the way to the war room, where the captains had already heard the news and were stood stiffly, waiting.

"We'll send the undead legions out first," Dante said by way of greeting. "They shall need escorts and leaders. Are they ready?"

"As they'll ever be," a captain said uncomfortably. "They don't understand complicated commands, but they'll be able to kill enough to help us significantly."

"Good. Prepare every soldier we have. Get the supplies ready. We'll march through the mountains to meet them."

"You mean to have most of the fighting in the Monmouths, don't you?" Hawk asked.

"Yes. They won't know these mountains like our own people."

"Are we sending the human soldiers to fight as a last resort?"

"I doubt we'll be able to avoid sending out Valians. But I'd like to keep their numbers to a minimum... if we can." Dante drew himself to his full height. "I have given the remaining members of my court specific instructions to move everyone down to the Third Circle, as low as possible, and to barricade every entrance to Irkalla if they break past us. They will not get to our women and children. Go now, and gear up for battle. Lieutenant, Hawk, and Kaya - meet me in my office when you are ready."

When she got to her room, Delilah found the golden armour that had now been adjusted to her measurements. She strapped herself into it, and had just finished loading her body with weapons when Nell walked in. Covered from head to toe in Sun Warrior armour. Her face was painted with thin golden lines that stood out starkly against her skin.

"They'll think you're one of them." Delilah tried and failed to smile.

"Until I cut their throats, yes." Nell crossed the room and sat beside her. Then she lifted one of her heavy, curved knifes and started hacking at her long braids.

Delilah jumped. "What are you doing? Stop, Nell."

"It's a tradition - to cut your hair short before battle. So it doesn't get in the way." By the time she'd finished, Nell's braids ended at her jawline. Delilah gaped at her friend, unused to seeing such a drastic change in her appearance.

Nell sighed. "Turn around." Delilah obliged, stifling a wince when Nell ran her hands through her long orange mane.

"Don't cut - all of it," she said.

Nell swiped the blade, and Delilah felt much of her hair's weight vanish. When Nell let go, her hair fell just to her shoulders.

Nell smiled. "This new look suits you."

"Every look suits me," she said, pretending to feel stung. "Can you... do my face, too?"

"Of course. What colour?"


When Nell had finished, Delilah stood and peered into the mirror. The creature looking back at her was covered in gold. Her face had been turned into a lethal, terrifying mask with the jagged red lines Nell had expertly applied. Crimson lined her eyes and tapered into vicious flicks, making her look slightly cat-like. She was not human. She was a catalyst of war.

Delilah saw fear in the eyes of those she strode past on her way to Dante's office. Hawk, in his usual leathers, didn't bat an eyelid, but Kaya's face split into a grin. Delilah pushed the door open and they walked up to Dante, who was fully suited in his own jet-black armour. He was holding the war helmet, and the Opals shone like stars, filling the room with unbearable power.

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