Ten Months Remaining...
~ Late of August (4th Week) ~After enjoying another big breakfast together, Rainbow Dash excuses herself to take a shower first while Ford Mustang would clean up the dishes. Awhile later, the stallion is in the midst of rinsing and scrubbing the plates in warm, soapy water before Rainbow silently approaches him from behind and gives him a surprise kiss on the cheek.
"Well I gotta go!" she says to him cheerfully before taking her leave. "See ya later, Mustang!"
"Okay, have a good--!" But as soon as he turns around to see her off, he is surprised to see his wife fully dressed in her Wonderbolt flight suit with her goggles on top of her mane that sticks out of her skintight hood.
Puzzled by this, he asks, "Wait, where are you going again?""I'm going to work, duh!" she responds bluntly with a sharp smirk. "The Wonderbolts are getting back on track with their new tours coming up, so HQ is calling all available recruits this morning. So see ya!"
As Rainbow prepares her significant takeoff, the alarmed Mustang quickly takes off first from the kitchen, and he immediately blocks her from the main doorway before the Rainbow stops herself in a screeching halt.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a minute! You shouldn't be going to work!" he protests greatly.
Confused by this sudden objection, Rainbow asks, "Why not?"
"Because you're pregnant, Rainbow!"
While they are hovering in place, the Wonderbolt blankly tilts her head down to look at her belly. It's already been two weeks since Zecora's diagnosis on her pregnancy during Vinyl Scratch and Octavia's wedding, and Rainbow Dash can hardly see any development to her abdomen just yet.
With a carefree shrug, she comments with a conceited grin, "So I might gain some weight overtime. Big deal. Like that's gonna slow me down."
In response, Ford shakes his head and retorts, "Rainbow, I don't think you understand the kind of risk you are taking for yourself and for our foal."
Once the couple lands on the cloudy floor, the mare glares at her husband with very inquisitive, narrowed eyes. "Are you saying that I'm reckless or something? Is that what you are implying?"
Frozen before Rainbow's petrifying gaze, Ford carefully makes his statement without her taking it the wrong way or causing any offense by accident. "Rainbow, I know that you are much better flyer than you were before. Believe me when I say that I've seen you progress so much over your stay in Ponyville, but just as a precaution, you should take a break from this until the baby is born, okay?"
Despite using his gentle voice and displaying an honest yet nervous smile, they aren't enough to convince her otherwise. "I knew it!" she snaps in accusation. "You don't trust me that I can handle all of this, do you?!"
Seeing how being gentle isn't going to change her mind, Ford instinctively tries a more firm approach, "Dangit, Rainbow! Will you stop thinking that this is all about you for just one second and start listening to me for a change?!"
"You think that I'm doing this just for myself, and not for our baby?!" she growls immensely as she takes that comment as an offense while she hovers fiercely to line up her piercing eyes with his. "How shallow do you think I am?! My career is what's bringing food to our table! Without me, how else will we support our family in the years to come?! And not only that, but I have my responsibilities to the Wonderbolts as well! I can't let them down in anyway if I've got a kid along the way!"
The Wonderful Life Of Ford Mustang
FanfictionShortly after their wedding, Ford Mustang and his wife, Rainbow Dash, have already made plans to have their first foal together. With each passing month, they go through the usual joys and struggles from starting their own family as they cherish wha...