Mei's heart almost stoped when Eden said that
He wanted to hear those words since he met Eden.

"It's still early...ish. They screen late movies by the mall. Will you come with me?"

Mei didn't respond right away he didn't want to seem desperate even though he was.

"What movie?" He said shyly

The older boy stood up offering his hand to Mei with a smile. They began to walk to the movie theatre Mei's heart skipped a beat every time Eden and him would share a glance. They reached the front desk of the movie theatre.

"I'll buy the tickets and I'll meet you in the theatre" Eden said.

"Alright" Mei sat in the darkest corner where nobody else was. In hopes he could watch the movie without any unwelcome distractions.

"Mei?" Eden called out in the theatre.

"Over here" the younger boy said waving his arms. As Eden ran up the stairs skipping every second step.

"Good idea sitting here, I hate people who talk while listening to a movie" the older boy said sitting next to the younger

Mei had planned to talk to Eden the whole movie... and he would do just that. He talked the entire previews. The lights dimmed and the movie began. Mei instantly felt tired, he tried to sit up waking himself up and talking to Eden. By the time the movie ended. The younger boys face was pressed to the other boys side.

The older boy was grateful Mei had stoped talking about the obnoxious boy that he had met earlier. He put his hand on Mei shoulder and checked the time. It was now 12:42am. The movie has long ended.

"Hey Mei, we should go back"

"Mmm 5 more... minutes" the younger boy whined.

"Oh yeah!" The boy said with a smirk and poked the boy in the neck.

"You want to fight?!" He said instantly covering his mouth afterwards realizing who he was with.

The older boy chuckled as he walked towards the exit. Mei zipped up his hoodie as he followed the other boy out. They reunited at the entrance of the movie theatre. The older boy grabbed Mei and slung him on his back in a piggy back style. The younger boy immediately turned red...thank god Eden could not see Mei's flush face.

Mei felt so comfortable it just felt right to be like this with Eden.

Mei didn't even question what Eden was doing. He appreciated everything the older boy had done for him to date.


Congrats you made it through 3 chapter!!!

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