"Mei you scored a 80%!" The older boy yelled out in the library gaining a few glares from others around them.

"It's not a big deal" the younger boy spoke quietly trying to hint to Eden to lower his voice or else they would likely be kicked out

"It's a huge deal! Lets go I'm taking you out to diner" the older boy said wrenching Mei out of the library chair.

"Ok-okay" Mei manage to say as his heart fluttered

"Hey guys! Mei..." his girlfriend spoke kindly as she walked up to the table.

"Shit" the younger boy said quietly enough for Eden not to hear it

"sorry to bother you Mei...I just need to talk to my boyfriend" she said straining on the word "MY"

"Ugh Mei give me a minute yeah?"

"Sure" Mei sat back down in a plastic chair nearby.  Thinking of all the possible things this girl could be saying. Getting less hopeful about the diner with Eden. The younger boy leered at the couple after a few seconds of silence Eden grabbed his things from the table and marched out of the library.

"Ha. Keep starting will you? You are the reason we are fighting!" Her face grew twisted and angry. Which proudly brought joy to Mei's face.

"Ugh I just can't with you" she said as the grin on Mei's grin grew stronger and his heart grew happier

MeMei<3: all good? :0

Eden1234:don't you dare date anyone! Unless you want your heart broken

MeMei<3: noted
MeMei<3:wanna talk about it?

Eden1234:honestly no
Eden1234:but do you wanna come to my dorm? It wouldn't be anything fancy.

MeMei<3: I need to finish up a few things I'm pretty busy but I'll let you know in a bit
MeMei<3: k?

Eden1234:lets chat in a bit
Read at 5:58pm

Mei's p.o.v

"No! What do I wear?"

I told Eden I was busy! Which I 100% was not I just needed time to figure out what to wear

If I wear jeans I look to formal if I wear jogging pants I'll look sloppy! Why don't I ever buy nice clothes!!!!

MeMei<3: I'll be there in a bit...pyjamas good?
Should I also bring snacks?

Eden1234:wearing mine and YES!

MeMei<3: On my way
Read at 7:36pm

I knocked on the door as images of Thursday flooded my mind again. I decided to wear my Spider-Man pyjamas because why not? I'm sure Eden look just a weird as I did. The door opened a in a few seconds of knocking, I was greeted by Eden who was wearing a red and black tank top and sweatpants. Hot.

"You came!" Eden said grabbing the snacks and pushing me into his room.

"I said I would" I said trying not to be

"Oh... here is your pencil case" he said even more awkwardly than I.

"What movie are we gonna watch?" I said trying to break that silence. I didn't care what movie we watched as long as I was with Eden.

"Spider-Man... did you dress for the occasion?"  The older boy said eyeing my top and matching bottoms.

Eden walked over to the laptop and sat on the bottom mattress of his bunk bed. Putting the movie in

"Mei? You can sit you know?" He snapped his finger and patted the spot between him and the wall. Breaking my internal argument of wether to sit next to him or not. I ducted trying not to hit my head on the bed on top of us of course I grazed Eden's body. Who wouldn't? He let out a heavy breath and turned his back to me setting up the movie.

"Here...I just need to go to the ba-bathroom" he said handing me the laptop all while speed walking out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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