Chapter Four

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I woke up, in the exact same position, to Daniel's phone blasting in my ear. He groaned but then answered it just to quiet it. I didn't move from my cocoon of blankets and Daniel so I could hear both sides of the conversation.

"Hey Dad," Daniel said in a raspy voice.

"Good morning. Don't tell me you're still sleeping. It's ten o'clock for Christ's sake."

"Long night. What's up?"

"Janey and I are wondering when you'll be home. We're having a dinner party tonight and would love for you to be here."

"Um, I don't think I'll make it. I promised one of my friend's I'd hang out here for a few more days until he can get a flight home."

"Bring him along. He can fly out from here in a few days. We'd love to meet one of your friends."

"Um, okay, I'll ask him and call you back later." Daniel hung up quickly and tossed the phone to the foot of the bed.

"Did you hear that?" he nudged my back with his elbow. I flopped onto my back and looked at him.


"So, you up for a road trip today? We might as well get out of here and go someplace warm." He almost looked

hopeful. I was surprised that he even wanted to go home but a warm house and a few more days with Daniel was incentive enough for me.

"Sure. Sounds fun." I wanted to get the hell outta dodge immediately but the thought of getting out of the warm covers kept me from moving.

"So... we should probably get up and packed. The heated car sounds pretty good right now."

An hour later, we were showered and on the road. Daniel warned me that Janey would act really nice and sweet but it was all a front. She couldn't be trusted and I should avoid her as much as possible. The pretty brunette that greeted us in front of a brick ranch home was not what I expected Janey to look like. She wore skinny jeans with a furry white sweater and knee length boots. She didn't look like any mom I knew. Daniel's dad, Dan Sr., was an older version of Daniel. The resemblance was uncanny. He was the same height and in great shape for a man in his forties but his tanned skin had a few wrinkles around the eyes and his dark hair was sprinkled with white. It wasn't surprising that he snagged such a hot wife that had to be ten or fifteen years younger than him.

"Oh, Danny, we've missed you so much," Janey gushed as she ran to give him a hug. He tried to keep a pleasant smile on his face but I could see how he cringed when she leaned into him.

"Hi, Janey." It was the most he could say without giving away his true hatred. He quickly pulled away from her and went to his dad's side. "Dad, you look good."

"You too, son. And who's your friend," Dan asked as I approached him.

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