11. guilty as charged

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**picture: One Center Plaza, FBI field office in Boston until Nov 2016

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**picture: One Center Plaza, FBI field office in Boston until Nov 2016

Cooper knew it was no bluff. After all, Gillian had thrown away twenty brilliant years in the police over a dead psycho.

"Okay. I'll find something to do for the rest of your team. Keep me up. And don't try to sneak in here unnoticed, Gillian. Doesn't suit you."

The other two heard the 'I always know what happens in my field office' that Cooper didn't voice.

Brock raised his eyebrows. "You should stay out of this, Agent Cooper," he said, with all the weight of his calm confidence. "At least until we have something concrete."

Cooper knew better than taking the reckless role at a wise advice. "So you think this is going to take some time."

"If you mean more than Gillian's week off, yes. And Gillian, Miles and Lawrence need a cover to keep working."

"What do you have in mind, Brockner?"

"I have a seminar on task forces scheduled in Burlington, Vermont. I postponed it to next week due to the weather." Cooper nodded. "Gillian's team is a perfect example of what the brass expects from such units."

"So you mean to take Bellison, Morris, Schwarz and O'Brien with you."

"I mean sending them with Coleman. He can give the seminar."

Both Gillian and Cooper arched their eyebrows.

"You're not going?" asked Cooper.

Gillian hated herself when she had to fight her stupid little smile back at the thought of him staying around.

"My supervisory status may come in handy if Gillian needs help, so you don't have to be directly involved. That should be enough to keep your hands clean."

Cooper frowned. "Clean? What are you not telling me?"

Brock anticipated Gillian once more. "What we cannot prove. If we find the evidence, you'll be the first to know."

"You know who abused the girl." Cooper's hiss was an accusation.

Brock didn't even blink. "Yes, we do, Gillian and I."

Now Cooper's eyes widened. Gillian was tempted to take a picture. The Iron Lady at the brink of gawking surely was a once-in-a-lifetime event.

"You can't be serious."

"We really hope we're wrong."

"But you two never are," Cooper grunted, another accusation. She shook her head and turned to leave. "You're right. Don't keep me up."

Her quick footsteps clicked away down the hall. Brock noticed Gillian was taken aback by Cooper's last words.

"You know she'll never turn her back on you," he said.

She sighed. "Yeah, but I still wish I could keep her outta this." She met his eyes, no hint of a smile. "And you too, sir. I'd never forgive myself if I caused you any kind of trouble."

"I know. But that's up to me, Gillian. And there's nothing you can do about it."

She would've liked to insist, but she was afraid an argument about it would get too personal for her guts. So she just grimaced her disagreement.

Brock allowed himself a tight smile. "If they kick us out, I can always work as a lawyer," he said. "And I'd need a good investigator."

Gillian saw the way he raised only one eyebrow and her lips curled up on their own accord. Stupid bitter man! How could he be so frigging sweet? She sensed her smile was just about to turn idiotic as she held his eyes. So she turned around to grab her jacket and her bag.

"Speaking of investigators, I better go back home."

Brock stood up and she noticed the way he buttoned his suit coat in a quick, fluid move, just out of habit. Definitely classy.

"I'll talk to your team about Vermont," he said. "Well, and Coleman."

Gillian paused on her way to the door. Lucky her, Brock paused too—else he would've come into a dangerous kissable range.

"I think you shouldn't do that alone, sir," she said, fighting the fair fight to keep her voice firm.

Brock realized he'd scowled. He was oddly aware of it since she'd mentioned it.

But she knew it was a questioning scowl, so she shrugged. "How about inviting them for dinner at my place tonight? We can face the beasts then." Together, of course. 'Cause I just found the lamest excuse on earth to have dinner with you again.

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