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Gillian allowed herself the smirk she'd been keeping when the man dropped himself back on the armchair, as if Brock's cold words had pushed him down

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Gillian allowed herself the smirk she'd been keeping when the man dropped himself back on the armchair, as if Brock's cold words had pushed him down. She fished through her bag and produced the orders Cassidy had given them and a brown envelope. Brock stood behind her, and it made her feel so confident and protected. She was used to feel like that whenever Fred or Ron backed her up. But Brock made the feeling so much stronger.

"Now this is how it's gonna be, Dawson," she said. "We know she was abused for ten years and we know who abused her. We know the person who paid for Irene's treatment is closely related to the abuser. And we also know you never filled the mandatory report to Social Services about her situation. So you're gonna spell her abuser's name down to the last letter for us."

"I would never do such a thing! That's doctor-patient confidentiality! Only a court order can make me break it!"

"You won't need it. You'll break the confidentiality on your own accord. You're gonna give us that name in a signed statement. Not here, but downtown. Everything is gonna be legal."


Gillian took a photograph from the envelope and rested it on the table for Dawson to see. The man glanced down at it and kept his eyes away from then on. "Else, we'll have to arrest you for child pornography charges." She nodded at the photograph. "Take a look at it. Bet you recognize it. It's from one of the hundreds of videos you purchased online from Tymek Bilik. Every Wednesday night. After you made Irene tell you in detail how she'd been abused that given week. Seriously. Can you be any more sick?"

Dawson's jaw dropped. He was so pale even his trembling lips had lost color. He looked up at Brock, expecting the good cop to come to the rescue. As if.

Global warming faltered at Brock's voice when he recited Hell's shopping list. "You'll be disbarred for this. And fined. We're charging you with possession and distribution of child pornography. As for Irene's case, you'll be charged as accessory to repeated abuse of a minor, accessory to child abduction and accessory to murder."


Gillian smiled like a shark smelling blood. "We may drop the child abduction and murder accessories if you talk. And put a good word with the DA about the other charges." See? I'm the good cop after all. "Maybe you can apply to be paroled in twenty years and don't spend the rest of your life in prison. That is, if you talk now and testify before a jury later." Am I not a peach?

Dawson moved his lips without a sound, eyes wide open darting from Brock to Gillian. They gave him a whole minute to snap out of it. When he didn't, Brock opened the door and let two uniforms in.

"Confiscate the subject's phones and computers," he said, pointing at the desk. "Is Social Services here?"

"Yes, sir."

One of the uniforms waved at somebody in the waiting room and a young woman walked in. She flashed a murderous glare at Dawson and turned to Brock to shake his hand.

"I think you should go through those files," he said, nodding at the modular. "You may find more abuses he failed to report."

Gillian turned to Dawson again. "The key to that modular. We wouldn't wanna break it to get the files."

"I... I want my lawyer..." the man managed to mumble.

"Of course you do. A dozen of them. And they better be damn good."

Brock went back to Gillian's side and his chin pointed at Dawson. "Stand up and turn around. Put your hands behind your head," he said, sharp enough to cut through three inches of steel.

Dawson did and Brock cuffed the man, reciting his rights loud and clear.

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