The Return Of Little Blue (Book 8 in the BenXLink FanFiction)

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hehe, you guys might kill me for what happens between Ben and Zelda in this book.


(Link's POV)

That morning, I got out of bed and only had one thought on my head. Navi. that was the whole reason i was going to kokiri in the first place. Maybe saria knows where she is. God, its been forever since i've seen saria.

I wonder if she'll even remeber me...

I changed into my old outfit that i loved so much, note my sarcasm, and slid on my boots. I grabbed my sword and sheild then went downstairs. Eli was awake and on the phone. I gave her a challenging look. "one sec" She said, covering the mouth part of the phone.

"its zelda dad, calm down" She put the phone back to her ear. I set the sword and sheild against the wall. "dad, she wants to talk to you" "okay" I took the phone from her. "hi" "hi link, eli tells me you're going to kokiri today. is that true?" "yes" "Be safe please" "I will" "want me to come over and watch eli?" "er, Ben's here i mean, you can come over and make sure hes being good" i said with a chuckle. "you know, regardless i would've still came over, give the phone back to eli now or ill kill you!" "you wouldnt actually kill me zelda" "I know i was being sarcastic" "good, im giving the phone to her now" "thank you"

i handed the phone back to Eli. god its been forever since i used the house phone. i walked upstairs and noticed Ben was awake. "hey" "hi" he said, in a tired voice."you sound sexy like that" he glared at me. "thanks..." I went over to him. "how long are you going to be gone?" "only a week or two" "uhg, ill die without you" "yeah, i might not get good reception in the forest so... yeah"

He hugged me. I hugged him back. "when are you leaving?" "soon actually. im taking epona by the way, but for the life of me, dont try driving" "wasnt planning on it, shall we bring up the fact that im not metally stable enough to get my license" he said with a small laugh. "good point" i ruffled his hair and then let my hand fall onto his shoulder.

We kissed. just a light kiss but it was still amazing. "its unbelivable thinking of how much we had to go through, just to be able to do what we are doing now" "yeah, it is, isnt it" "you know whats absolulty the most terrifying thought?" "what?" "eli finding out about what my eyes do..." "oh... yeah..." "suprisingly i've been able to keep them from fading out, and bleeding. But its hard sometimes" "i bet it would be." "you know, sometimes i wish they didnt day what they do, i dont feel normal with them doing this!" "ben you arent normal, what did you say, you were from a whole different dimension or something?" "yeah, good point, though where im actually from looks alot like hyrule does now."

"wow" I glanced over at the alarm clock and then looked back at ben. "i should get going" "okay, be careful" "i know, i will" i kissed him again and then went downstairs. "Im leaving now" i said to eli, who was sitting on the couch watching some tv show.

"bye" she said, not even looking up at me. "im gonna be gone for a month" She looked up at me, sighed, then got up and gave me a hug. "Good luck at the photoshoot this weekend" "thanks, be safe daddy" "I will"

She pulled away from the hug and gave me a half smile, then went back over to the couch. I picked up my sword and sheild, then left after putting them on my back. It was nice out today and i walked up to lon lon.

Malon greeted me. "Hey, im going up to kokiri for a week or two, you think epona would be willing to come with me?" "of course! Link you know she loves it when you ride her!" Her face blushed red and i chuckled. "okay, thats not what i meant" "clearly"

She went into the stables blushing and then came out a few minutes later with epona. she handed me the reins. "have fun in kokiri!" she said waving and then going off to check on the other horses. I got on epona an pet her.

The Return Of Little Blue (Book 8 in the BenXLink FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now